
Boy oh boy did Survivor screw the pooch on this one. Kellee had been complaining about this guy since day 1. The fact that they’re not requiring the contestants to do post-show interviews (along with the fact that they’re pre-taping the reunion show for the first time in 39 seasons) shows how nervous they are about

I still plan to Pokemon Go to the polls, thank you very much. 

Kevin saying he started writing a new draft the same day he talked to Jeff Anderson for the first time since the last time Jeff flaked on Clerks 3, apparently a week or so before filming was due to start. But Kevin’s sure that Jeff’s going to do it this time!

I’m getting Charlie Brown and the football flashbacks about

Jennifer Garner doesn’t like Kevin. Kevin publicly complained about Jennifer Garner not liking him, putting Jennifer Garner’s husband in a rather awkward position. Jennifer Garner’s husband stopped talking to Kevin as a result.

Did the documentary they mention in that linked article ever actually come out? 

Marla Maples as Dot’s mom was an.....interesting casting choice.

Except on the new Vinegar Syndrome Blu-Ray of HUMAN TORNADO, Jimmy Lynch claims he was the one who actually did the roll down the hill. RRM just did the jump.

Han will be the emperor of space when they go there in the next installment. 

Jorge’s complete disinterest in all of Jane’s drama was a highlight. I feel like it’s been established that he has Alba’s best interests at heart, let him be the one person on the show who’s not in some ridiculous over-the-top storyline.

Lee Child should team up with Clive Cussler for the daddest project ever. Dirk Pitt and Jack Reacher would combine forces to stop someone blowing up the sun or turning the ocean into a giant slime pit or something and every dad in the world would be issued a copy at our monthly meetings. 

Diaries only exist in TV dramas to be read by the worst person at the worst time, so obviously S2 is going to end with Nathan accidentally reading Bonnie’s diary on the can like Hank Schrader.

The idea that the police are working with Mary Louise to get the Monterey Five to perjure themselves on the stand is a clever one that I didn’t see coming. 

(although how in the world would that child know that anyway?)“

Well, at least it’s nice to know Harry Knowles is keeping busy. 

They’re already trying to frame it that she’s been under undue stress because of all the bullying she’s been suffering at the hands of those mean ol’ parents of autistic kids.

Lisa MacLeod and her fellow Provincial Conservatives, led by the brother of the Toronto mayor who smoked crack, are kind of hilarious right now, because the federal Conservatives told them to basically hide under a rock until the federal election was over so they didn’t blow it, and yet every day there’s something

Mary-Louise should have dressed up as Donna Pescow from Saturday Night Fever. 

How intense is the Chinese Downhill in 4K? 

“Here’s my new song. It’s called Revolution #9.”


“But...but...the hedge animals MOVED! He wasn’t evil, it was just the booze!

“Sure, Steve. Whatever.”