
Will this law be retroactive? I’m still angry that I never got to see Monica Keena yell, “Freddy vs Jason - PLACE YOUR BETS!” in the finished copy of the film after seeing it so many times in the trailer, and I’d like a new motorboat.

I am so thrilled at the nod to Jan Hooks’ Bette Davis Video Will. It’s literally one of my favorite things ever, not just from SNL. I still regularly think things like “WALLACE. Beery. Sent me a DEAD. OWL!!” and “I FELL OUT. OF! My chair.”

Yeah! Why hasn’t Cory Monteith said a thing? 

Never been a big fan of Celery Man.

Yes. The rebooted Queer Eye takes an extremely gentle/kill-them-with-kindness approach to its conservative subjects. To the point of it being frustrating to watch at times because they really refuse to call a spade a spade, even when some tough love might be called for. Karamo’s conversation with the cop from Georgia

Can it also have terrorists take over the Lincoln Memorial and a Home Depot? I’m not beholden to that. It could be Mount Rushmore and a Lowe’s. You know, whatever. Just as long as he climbs on a president and improvises a nail gun in to a, uh, gun that shoots nails.

I make jokes about Amazon making TV for dads but, seriously, it’s hard to get more dad than this.

I mean I’m interested in “Yesterday,” as a premise, but I think it’s a missed opportunity to examine how the Beatles songs are tied to the era and generation in which they were made.  As an alternate idea, what if the film’s protagonist awoke in a world without the Beatles, and when he tries to appropriate their

TV writers like to call it a trap door.  In case of contract disputes, illness, or racist/sexist/homophobic/just nutters internet rants.

If I could pinpoint the one thing ruining wrestling nowadays, my vote would be for Conrad Thompson and his ilk, creating a cottage industry of bitter, washed-up members of “the biz” recording 4 hour podcasts about how every idea they had was great, railing against the “dirt sheets”, and promising phone calls if you

I am wholly bewildered by what anyone sees in Dean Ambrose.

The part with Al Marsh and Pennywise was in the 2015 draft, it can be read here:

He’s already had practice for that, in “Bowfinger”.

Any movie that is not-great to terrible can win my approval by ending the entire cast doing a dance routine. See: Damsels in Distress

That is why Slumdog Millionaire won Best Picture

What frustrates me is that he seems like he’s kinda trying to have it both ways:

“It’s too late to cut him out of this season!”
“...but also he’s totally fine around me so I dunno.”

I’m not really looking forward to the new season as a result of all of this but I at least get why maybe he didn’t reshoot or redo it. It’s

Fuck due process! Progressive!

At this point, the only intrigue left for the finale is whether or not the final vote will end in a tie (which Probst announced the rules for at a finale a couple seasons back). Like, say if Laurel gets one pity vote from Donathan and the rest split. There’s really no difference in the quality of either Dom or

I disagree that this is a boring season per se - I think they cast some interesting folks, the Ghost Island concept is a cool way to throwback to exciting moments and build in a legendary feeling, and in particular going from two to three tribes mixed things up. In particular I like Dom/Wendell, Laurel/Donathan as