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I’d just like to say that he was freakin’ hilarious on IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY.

Both movies are going to have serious downer endings. Sammy’s last days featured his inner circle looting his house, peeling rings off his fingers and stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down.

Both movies are going to have serious downer endings. Sammy’s last days featured his inner circle looting his house, peeling rings off his fingers and stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down.

Craig Robinson and Titus Burgess as Leroy and Skillet could be perfect.

Still waiting for my Fake Purse Ninjas sequel.

This could actually be fascinating; RRM was a (possibly) closeted homosexual playing the ultimate ladies’ man, who tried to go mainstream by making a PG movie which ended up killing his career and kept him on the sidelines while rappers stole his act for years.

On the HUMAN TORNADO Blu-ray that came out a couple years ago, they claim that his co-star (Jimmy Lynch) actually did the roll down the hill, even if RRM did do the jump himself.

Sue Sue Heck and Weird Cindy.

The season finale was a couple weeks ago.

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If you’re going to reference the end scene, you might as well post a link.

Yeah, the Hantz era is a stain on the show’s legacy they’ll never really wash off. Bringing Brandon back was unforgivable.

I feel like the narrative they tried to push about Dom having to pick one of the “cursed” urns was bullshit, because with the new final 3 rules, it didn’t matter who he brought along with him, because one of the 3 was always going to be out of his hands.

I nearly had a heart attack when Angela came so close to winning the final immunity challenge. Imagine a Angela-Laurel-Either Dom or Wendell final 3. Would the jury even bother to ask questions? Jeff could have just read the 10 votes right then and there, too.

Clearly it needed Fred Willard in a Sherlock Holmes hat saying, “You could have at least bought me DINNER first!” to diffuse the tension.

Yeah, but after they said that, Roseanne tweeted something along the lines of, “Nuh-uh.” She seems intent on doubling down on the political stuff.

I think he just spent months re-editing season 4 into a syndication package and now he’s thinking, “You want me to edit some more?”

I’m sure there are people who are excited about this, the same way i was excited about MEET THE FEEBLES before I saw it.

Yes, because as we all know, appearing on a Netflix series is a constitutional right we’d be denying Mr. Tambor.

Hurwitz trying to pull a, “Who, him? Why, he’s just a grouchy ol’ teddy bear!” while this Jessica Walter story simmers underneath is not a good play.

I mean, he won, so that deserves praise. And he basically invented the practice of dragging someone even more unlikable than you to the finals, for which he deserves eternal...credit?