
Whoever wins will get their spot next to Brian Heidik as the most boring winner in Survivor History.

Laurel’s going to be sitting at the reunion episode wondering if it’s too early to make her big move on whoever wins between Wendell and Dom.

This is the dullest season I can remember in years. People playing it safe week after week. Watch for next week’s finale when someone decides that now’s the time to make the big move, but then *SPOILER* they don’t and we’re stuck sleeping through a Dom/Wendell/Angela final 3.

It was on the SNL 25 prime-time special.

I think in order for Lucas to give his blessing, Brooks had to agree not to release any Spaceballs merchandise.

I want those SPACEBALLS action figures Dark Helmet was playing with.

Just watching the reshot ending - I never noticed until now that apart from a couple quick insert shots of M. Emmett Walsh and whichever Masterson sibling that was (likely filmed with the original ending), none of the other characters are present in the final scene. Dermot McDermott and Cameron Diaz, disappear from


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Regina Hall did have the one halfway decent moment in Scary Movie 2.

I love the honey roast. All of it.

Didn’t Dinesh D’Souza go to jail for the same thing, only he gave the money to friends to donate, instead of using fake names and addresses like Rosie did?

So does Samantha Bee appear in this clip, or did she send her husband again?

If Cos had just had the common courtesy to drop dead a few months ago, the public opinion would slowly come around to, “Well, he was never CONVICTED.”, and then within a year we could have all been enjoying Rudy’s antics with Bud and Fat Peter once again, free of any guilt.

Tempest Bledsoe’s gonna have to get a real job.

Thank goodness it’s off the air. Now I’m off to watch Head of the Class reruns.

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Jessica Harper’s weird chicken dance really stays with you long after the movie is over.

Joke’s on you; my mom can’t read.

Aaron Paul’s little essay there reads like something Chris Hansen would be reading in voice-over as Aaron was led off in handcuffs.