
Sure, he has tapes, but does he have pages?

Is it just me, or does Malina come off as a total asshole? Even when he thinks the lady’s dying, he’s talking to her like she’s 3 years old and complaining that the producers should have known about her heart condition going in.

GET OUT takes on a whole new meaning.

Audience members with “funny” questions or a clear desire to be part of the show should be blasted out of their chairs using some form of ejector seat, preferably in the general direction of the sun.

Nobody wants to read your screenplay.

The only way this episode could have been salvaged would have been if after the shot of the two girls looking at the portrait of Olivia, it smash-cut to those same girls looking at a picture of Olivia drawn in crayon, held up by Huck on the subway floor.

Can’t the sweet, sweet memory of our dear departed Ass Dan bring these two warring factions together?

Now playing

And this is pretty darn glorious as well.

Now playing

This still puts the biggest, goofiest smile on my face when it kicks in.

Given that it’s Modern Family, maybe the days we don’t see are the days where the Pritchetts aren’t assholes to their spouses.  

Don’t tell Kevin Smith. Weed jokes and references to Canada are all he has left.

When my wife’s family comes to visit, sometimes they bring gifts from other relatives, family friends, etc. for our kids. In that case, a thank you card is justified - they’re not there to be thanked in person. If you hand me a gift and I say “Thanks” to your face, why am I then subsequently writing you a letter to

But was Ermey saying he was blacklisted for being an activist, or simply for his voting habits?

If it’s Cernovich, wouldn’t it be Mythtethithm?

I could definitely see Minnie Driver’s character viewing that as a perfectly acceptable idea.

I remember the Full House one being really weird; Michelle basically screws Stephanie out of being Princess for the Day, and the message of the episode is basically that Stephanie should just suck it up and deal with it (even the Disney characters tell her to get over it).

That single set of skate marks is when I carried you.

The biggest action star in the world is Dwayne Johnston and he spoke at the RNC. Adam Sandler is pretty out there as a conservative, Chris Pratt has a giant-ass cross on his property, Bruce Willis, Stallone, Vince Vaughn, Kurt Russell, etc have all been pretty open about it.

Yeah, Kelsey Grammar has worked steadily since the 80's.

It must be nice to be a conservative in Hollywood - if your career dries up for whatever reason, you can move on to a lucrative follow-up career; telling everyone who’ll listen that your career dried up because you’re conservative.