
Tina Fey tells a story in BOSSYPANTS about a run-in he had with Amy Poehler on SNL that doesn't portray him in too flattering a light.

Sarah's cold-eyed, emotionless reading of the rules of the advantage she let Cirie "hold onto" was how I'd imagine she gives evidence at trial.

To be fair, Horatio Sanz is still worse.

They kind of gloss over it in the piece, but the stories about Jimmy's drinking are pretty well-known, and apparently are a subject of much concern in and around NBC.

Because his comedy, such as it is, works best in 5 minute viral clips. Metallica playing toy instruments, somebody famous lip-syncing a song, Jeff Sessions playing Beer Pong with the Duck Dynasty guy as Jimmy giggles in the background - it's all quick and disposable. I can't imagine wanting to sit through an entire

They're staying on the advice of their new bandleader and mentor, Kevin Eubanks.

He has no regrets; his principal reaction is, "I don't like when people say mean things about me."

Find your soulmate, Homer!

Do you think Baldwin hates Trump? I kinda do. Then again, I don't think his portrayal of Trump is that funny. It's more angry than anything else.

Hey, that Cheri Oteri renaissance is right around the corner.

They don't want to end up like last generation's Nora Dunn.

Leslie Jones saying that they turned down Rosie O'Donnell as Bannon because Lorne said impressions had to come from a place of love was weird. I'm not sure I'd describe Baldwin's Trump as a loving portrayal.

It's dopey, but the look of total non-surprise on Loomis' face kinda sells it.

But they've expanded it to include an update on the most depressing storyline from the movie!

To be fair, KRS has been pretty busy lately defending a serial child molester, he can't be expected to pay attention to everybody who's died.

Enjoyed the episode, but it strains credibility that for all those months, Olivia's mother was indirectly threatening Olivia's father that if he didn't do what she wanted, she would have Olivia decapitated.

I keep hoping every season that there's a contestant without close family or friends, whose loved one is a dog, and they fly the dog over.

Sarah reminds me of Sue Hawk in that she comes off dumber than she is.

In the last couple seasons, it also inherited 24's mantle of, "Every level of government is overrun with shadowy figures who can kill thousands of people via massive terror attacks with impunity and everything will be back to normal by next week.", which is why the most recent 24 reboot was met by a rousing chorus of,