And feet.
And feet.
Bear in mind that Paus was apparently impossible to catch/kill despite showing up in people's offices all the time, meeting people for lunch, social gatherings, campaign meetings, etc. They probably could have found him easier if they just checked his Foursquare account.
It would have been awesome if the box every few days/weeks was from Columbia House. I used to react the same way Rowan did whenever they would send me the CD that I had to send back, lest I be charged.
Killing those two in the last five minutes and Papa Pope declaring it all done is the SCANDAL equivalent of the immigration officer telling Apu to "Just say slavery."
We'll know how accurate the comparisons to A DIFFERENT WORLD are if Zoey and Miriam aren't back for the second season, and the show's all about Whitley now for some reason.
Michaela crying at Zeke getting voted out was odd, especially since she voted for him.
That’s a shame. Marc Methot sends his regards.
Do we know any of the shadow government's policies? Maybe they have some good ideas. And they're bullying/killing some of the most awful characters on TV, so they can't be all bad.
I like how Fitz and his gang, illegitimately elected by a shadowy cabal and a rigged election, are suddenly so offended by another group trying to do the same thing.
So when do we find out that the true leader of B-614 is Susan Ross? Artemis must be out getting her asshole bleached in preparation for taking the Oval.
"Forget it, Katherine; it's Shonda-town."
That's just the budget for the cutting boards and butcher blocks.
They sell drugs to schoolchildren.
Sounds like what would happen if Nancy Meyers directed a horror movie.
I remember the disappointment I felt during a trip to the South of France when I realised that nude beaches were open to everyone, not just international supermodels.
Semi-related; I used to work tech dispatch for an appliance repair company and the technicians used to tell us about lonely married women who would book service call after service call for appliances that worked fine, and would greet them at the door in lingerie (or less). We had a list of people we weren't to book…
But at the same time, if you're considering buying the Switch, and the virtual console is one of the reasons why (doesn't have to be the only reason), but you see that you can get all the old games you like for 60 bucks, it'll make you think twice about it, particularly with the scarcity of new games available for the…
Should we say 11 or 11:30?
Is your friend Max Landis?
Someone finally told them about the Konami code.