
She's in pain because she chose to make herself a junkie.

Five cigarettes at a time. A whole big world full of poops to smoke. This guy has it all figured out. Keep on keeping on, Haji.

The debit card had no name on it. Key detail of the story. Being ignored here.

Actually, 9-11 only really affected millennials, because while you and your ilk were grieving by cutting your tax burden, my generation was fighting 2.5 wars.

I love that you call it the pre-Clinton recession rather than the Reagan recession. And you realize that your job prospects were way better than a 2008 graduate, right? And the cost of your degree was less than half of what people pay now? (Of course you don't - you're probably too busy walking seven miles uphill in a

It is NOT a millennial thing. Sorry but the vast majority of my friends, coworkers, and acquaintances that are in their 20's are 100% capable of cooking, cleaning, ironing and changing a tire. You know who can't? A lot of the male baby boomers I know, cuz that's what their mothers and wives are for.

"Transgender" doesn't rely on someone having had sex reassignment surgery. But way to make yourself look like a douchebag, clap clap.

NO Jon Cryer, I will NOT watch 2 1/2 Men, because that show is like garbage and a beer shit had a baby and put it on TV. I will NEVER watch that show, not even if I've lost the remote and have to get up to change the channel. I would rather watch infomercials; I would rather watch a televised golf match taking place

It's not the gay sex that offends Kenny. It's the brunches with mimosas, watching shows on Bravo and shopping at Target - you know, the lifestyle.

What is there to like about the state of Georgia?

Hang on, I thought that lawyer woman (megan?) said definitively that there was NO ongoing research into these things because all research investment was directed towards the allegedly entirely fake low testosterone disorder that tons of men spend ages trying to fake?

Arizona version of "If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:"

But LeMay wasn't in charge of the USAF- Kennedy was.

Conjecture. In the multitude of studies by many different agencies, civilian and military, it IS possible to have a nuclear war at sea using tactical nukes without any launching of nukes at the enemy's homeland.

Yep, there are inherent benefits to having been raised up and trained by white people. I live on the other side of the border, and there is a noticeable difference in each location. Of course most of the HK'ers here inside the border (I live in Chinas largest foreign resident community, most of which are actually

The best one (3:00 min mark) is the guy getting clobbered while staring at the ass of the lady in front of him.

It was just a matter of fucking time before they switched from cars to pedestrians in an attempt to suck some money out of insurance/drivers. At least 2/3 of these incidents were just that. Excluding the asshat who simply ran over a boozed-up person.

"I'm sure, but how do you know that teenagers (particularly older ones) make shitty parents?"

There's a reason it's looked down on: Children tend to make shitty parents.

in some cases it's also a big fuck you to what the fetus needs - in my case we found out in the second trimester that our fetus was missing a large portion of his brain. to have that child would have been a big "fuck you" to him and most definitely not an act of love as he would have been a vegetable his entire life.