Captain Ron did it better
Captain Ron did it better
Well I wouldn't use Hitler, that seems a bit strong, but yeah, otherwise your entire first sentence is pretty much right (except for the double negative). If you think homosexual behaviour is wrong, you are a bigot. Maybe you're comfortable with your bigotry, but you still are a bigot. Like the dictionary…
Man I'm so sick of this argument. It's false equivalency of the worst kind. People make this argument as if having the belief that homosexuality is wrong/evil/immoral/a sickness is the same as having the belief that Jesus walked on water or that Moses parted the red sea, when in fact it's institutionalized prejudice…
To each his own I guess. The guy can't play any instruments, can't sing, just talks over music, like most hip-hop 'artists'. Still a giant douche. I did like 'American Boy' w/ Estelle though.
For a guy with Hank Hill's body, he should not be this successful in sports or love.
Yep, we're pretty fun.
"Boston is home to a generally amoral and disgusting fanbase on the whole"