
The fact that you are focusing on concrete example after example shows that you are missing this person’s point entirely. Also, re-read your examples and wonder about your life choices and how you spend your time being entertained.

Can you please identify how the poster is being a crybaby? All his/her posts have been civil and have brought up very good points. If anything, you’re the one who has immediately jumped to hyperbole.

It’s like you’re purposely trying to belittle the argument. Good job proving you’re incapable of handling a different opinion.

You’re not getting it. The show exploits it as a plot device, mostly for the development for men.

So why aren’t male hero stories full of rape stories? If rape is such a hardening and deepening experiencing, why aren’t more men in stories being raped? If more men were being raped and you had to watch then WHIMPER AND SCREAM you would stop watching.

An appropriate user name, in that case? A curse and a blessing?


You and me both! My kitties hate that song. I think?

Ding ding ding. So right. Such a relief to be reading these comments.

Good. You deserve ALL the happiness. For real.

Holy shit. That’s a tremendous amount to survive through.

Just. Thank you. Yes. Thank you.

Inexcusable. He showed clear signs of budding pedophilia.

I love that you spelled it “contempt” instead of “content”. Perfection.

This. Best comment. Everyone read.

I’m always reminded of the phrase, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, like at least once a day. I try to balance out how much I help out with people. But reading your comment made me so pleased that there are people like you out there. I hope you don’t stop.

Relax. You’re doing great. Have some wine. You rule. Remember this.

I feel like I just had a moment of clarity reading this. I am taking your “GET OUTTA MY FACE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT” and using it for EVERYTHING this coming week. Anytime someone bothers me? Pulling it out. Getting a ticket? Using it. Barista calls my name wrong? “GETOUTTAMYFACEWITHYOURBULLSHIT!”

Fake breasts?

Ya, I am HORRIFIED by what he did to her after he got out of his seat. I was in no way expecting that.