
I mean...I guess it I would interpret it as almost “nice” of you to learn this behaviour to get along with life. This is very interesting. Thank you. It so very different from my own response that I really wanted to hear about it. Thanks again, yo.

So, do you have to like...will it into existence? Turn it on?


Don’t. Everyone would have “great tits” if they shelled out 5-10 grand at their plastic surgeon’s office. I’m sure you’re fine, love.

Yes, these are fake breasts. Do not fret, my pet.

He has other awesome books so you can avoid the guilt.

That bottom one is straight up xenomorph nightmare fuel for that little dog.

Sooooo...where is all the rape?

I love the idea of office buddy cop! HATE OFFICE WIFE/HUSBAND. Esp since often times you see that person more than the person’s wife/husband during the day. It’s such a gross and disrespectful thing to say.

That’s adorable.

Omg yes, sooooo many of those. <3

Ugh. Yes. ::Takes steaming black heart and sits next to you:: ::Scowls guiltily and apologizes at happy people reading this article ::

Your comment and your name make me giggle.

It’s “you’re”, not “your”.

This bunny clapping its hands is god like in nature.

I want to hear all about your business of running a Ren Faire!!!!


They both made poor choices. (They being Rodriguez and McGowen)


Yea, she’s a bit of a weird one.