
It’s like your dog has a secret sassy stripper identity. He/she wears awesome wigs at night and dances the pole and *feels* the muzak.

Wow did she even WANT her job where questions like that are totally normal? It’s like empathy training isn’t mandatory anymore? What a fool. It’s freaky and alien like and she’s a total weirdo.

Omg! I have never heard of a blood clot during pregnancy!!! D:

What. the. fuck.

I bet you’re being hard on yourself and you look much better than you think and you’re not giving yourself enough credit. <3

As long as they are wearing push up bras under their black tank tops and black skin tight leggings, though.

Boobs and pretty ring. Perfect. comment.

Most adorable pic ever.

This is a scary looking poster.

Every one can have an opinion. Just like they can have an opinion about his opinion.


Yea, he’s just having fun with you guys. Lots of it.

LOL white

Ugh, people are so transparent and oblivious and disgusting.

Uhhh, so we’re in agreement. Yes. It’s a very well done doc. Trigger forewarned.


What are their names. I swear to you we all want to know. Are they old lady names???

Not even for one single chicken? They don’t need a lot of room. And they can quickly learn that they don’t poop in the house.

This is the most perfect. You are the most amazing person on all of Jez.

LOL even Teddy Ro encouraged a victory garden, yo.