havey cavey

100% except for jaimes red jacket which was beautiful

He would not have told her. If Robert got so much of a whiff of a hint of a whisper of an idea that Jon might be a sekrit Targ, he would have killed him immediately, and Lyanna’s “promise me, Ned” (in the books) is probably “promis me you’ll keep my baby safe and not let Robert kill him”.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate what happened to Sansa this season, and I’m so over watching everyone else use her for their own political purposes.

Except the mainstream didn’t really give a shit about the books before the show, and if I enjoy the show, why the hell would I run out and read the books and spoil the show for myself? Boob punch is right, why are you book people so obsessed with your “well in the next book” superiority complex. You aren’t cooler

Seriously. I know it’s the unholy love of specificity I was granted as a small person, but the “Is Jon Snow dead?” Question drives me bananas.

last series was

Nah, I don’t buy it. I think the “he’s gone” we heard at the beginning of the trailer wasn’t even about Jon. Notice we saw not a trace of Stannis. He’s dead. Jon’s a little bit dead for now, but he’ll be back.

I suspect the comments on this piece won’t be pleasant, but I’m glad to have read this.

Well, I was 26 when I lost my virginity and I’m pretty awesome. I just don’t judge myself by whether or not I’ve had a dick inside me. Believe me, if you don’t have that big of a sex drive in high school / college, you can make it to the other side without having sex. And then by the time you are ready, it’s

She seems to have responded to the whole thing with wit and preternatural patience, and she seems lovely. I’m with you, I think Rachel is out there getting it while she travels the world, and after growing up with a dad like this, she’s earned it.

To anyone who “hates” Kim Kardashian, it’s very easy to ignore her. Sure, she is on social media a lot. But I don’t buy anything of hers, I don’t watch her shows, and she has about as much impact on my life as any other celebrity.

Compliment. COMPLIMENT. Time to whip out, once again, the hard and fast rule for guys to follow: IF YOU WOULDN’T DO IT TO A MAN DON’T DO IT TO A WOMAN.

If you’re stupid enough to ask such a dumb question, the answer for you is no, because you’ve demonstrated that you have the social IQ of a grapefruit and would be incapable of doing it respectfully. Men who think “don’t ask your coworkers out” is a reasonable guideline for the sake of making women feel safe at work

Spilling feelings is the Nice Guy version of an unsolicited dick pic.

Of course I hate him, he is the antithesis of everything I stand for. But at the same time I feel bad that everyone else hates him. WTF is wrong with me?

In America...the politically correct thing to do is shut up and pretend we live in a post-racial world. You think you’re not being politcally corrct, Bret? You think you’re making some sort of noble stand against the majority of people? BULLSHIT! You’re being politically correct, you’re advocating the status quo, the

If you haven’t yet, check out Brandon Sanderson. His fantasy books are wonderful, and there’s not a single rape scene. There are plenty of writers who do that style of grand, epic fantasy for adults without having to resort to cheap tricks like that. Lynn Flewelling is another one I like. Oh, and NK Jemisin!

They’re totally missing the point of Cersei’s Walk of Atonement. I read it (in the books) as an indictment of the violent patriarchy; Cersei being punished for something her husband, Robert Baratheon, did with impunity. Cersei is an awful person, but no worse than the other weapons-grade assholes who populate the

It would have been really hard for the show to have gone into Harry the Heir and Jayne Pool and all the rest of the storylines that were in ADWD - so much more character building would have been needed, and they only have 10 hours. While I was disappointed this was that happened to Sansa in the show, it makes perfect