havey cavey

Ha, I know. lemon-lymon.com

I forget who it was who made this point but it was something like “every town always had the one nutjob, the internet just lets them talk to each other”.

Still salty about the Mighty Big TV Incident of 1999 or whenever that was, I see.

I don’t feel like people have gotten meaner or dumber, but that the internet has given those already dumb and mean a greater voice. Like the people who were always bigoted now have an anonymous place to spew hate. They didn’t become racist/sexist/etc. they already were, they were just in the closet about it.

The internet is both totally GREAT and also sometimes kinda awful, just like people and life in general.

(Pretty sure it’s the general lack of structure, boundaries, civility, decent cultural behavior to model and the general FOX/Reaver theocracy coup that’s wrecking many contemporary things, yet that’s mostly TELEVISI

There is an anecdote about Dolly recounted by Jan Hooks in Live from New York. When she when was on the show, her only requests were “I won’t say cuss words and I won’t make fun of Jesus.” She was down for everything else; just totally easy going and helpful.

Gee whiz, take a chill pill!

I love her. I just feel like she’s on everyone’s team, that she genuinely wants all of us to win. She is such a good egg.

You had already framed the argument as larger than this one person. He is one person out of thousands, all of whom you put in a box with the “these people” comment.

...but you don’t know that that’s what all of those people actually think of you.

Hey, now. I live in the South! I think it’s less a Southern thing and more of being-part-of-a-freaky-cult thing.

I’m sure her not being married has something to do with her having the most responsibilities since she’s the eldest daughter. If she leaves and there aren’t enough girls left to do housework and take care of the younger kids (*barf*), her mom will be saddled with the burden again. According to one regular commenter on

The most amazing thing about this one is, usually, the fake story attached to a picture is more interesting than the truth, not considerably less.

Well, at this point he only has one option then:

I work for a local 911 center. CALL THEM!

I’m a cop in an area with plenty of rural spots and I have no problem with someone doing this. Here’s what I ask people to do: call 911, put on your flashers, and turn on your interior light. At that point, it’s very clear to me that you acknowledge the stop, aren’t trying to run, and recognize my need for safety.

Call 911 and tell them you are being stopped but don’t feel safe. They will instruct you. Know that your cell call may be dispatched to county as opposed to the town you are in, so know where you are, or if you can, see what town the car is from. Never pull over for an unmarked car - ever. Dispatch will know if the

IIRC, you can call the local police station/911, give them your location, and tell them what you’re doing. They *should* be able to relay that info to the cop who’s pulling you over.

Something about mutant GMO corn being bad for your health?

Related, if indirectly. This just reminded me that I don’t know the answer to this: if I were pulled over, how do I indicate to the officer pulling me over that I am waiting until we get to an area where I feel safe?