havey cavey

I haven’t been on Gawker in like 2 weeks and I regret it because this is hilarious and very accurate. Like, she’s not the WORST, but compared to the other actors she looks like a HUGE ham. Sometimes when I feel a friend is being a little too overdramatic I’ll yell “WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS”

you could have your own comic book series by now!!

Dominoes should really take advantage of this angle in their marketing campaigns

I’ve never seen Varys lose his chill like that! It’s interesting. My friend pointed out that the sorcerer throwing his “bits” in the fire sounded like Melisandre and the leeches, so maybe that’s why Varys has a particular hate for the Red Priestess? It’s been awhile since I’ve read the books so I don’t remember what

Littlefinger is one of the most interesting characters to me (books and show) and this is seriously puzzling me. DID he know exactly how terrible Ramsey was? If it was anyone other than Sansa, I would say, yeah, duh, he just dgaf. But he clearly sees her as Catelyn 2.0 and I’m not buying that he would have left her

That is very terrifying, I’m going to watch The Last of the Mohicans now (jk I was going to watch it anyway, I love that movie)

I think Midnight In Paris would be one of my favorite movies if you just cut out Owen Wilson’s character completely. I like Wilson as an actor just fine, but that character was soooo obviously a Woody stand-in all his lines made me want to barf.

yeah he (Sorkin) says dumb shit occasionally but, eh, so do most men of his age and position (I’m probably forgetting something truly heinous that he said, but oh well).

it almost has a flavor (no pun intended) of the far-right “Dominion Theology” doesn’t it?

Man, I know Aaron Sorkin is problematic, especially when it comes to female characters, but I cut him soooo much slack and 99% of the slack is C.J. She. Is. Queen.

I believe it! It’s not my style, but it’s a big deal for most of my extended family. Bowhunters mostly. I can’t imagine any of them reading about the Trump spawn with anything but disdain.

I bet you’re right! I don’t think I ever actually looked it up. I do know his daughter Alice had a tiger skin rug of his in her home; it was mentioned in an old interview of hers I was reading the other day.

you have to have something to put on your (overcompensating) masculine, tacky nouveau riche office walls!

I just did a Google search because I was curious... So, it’s definitely illegal to bring home any of the meat (for obvious safety issues). It looks like it goes to the locals, you just keep the hide and horns. Which just reeks of colonialism and is so icky.

This is what pisses me off. I live in the South, and have no problem with hunting (although I would neeeever) because here deer can be a nuisance population-growth wise and everyone I know that hunts uses the meat. What’s the point here? Killing an “exotic” animal somehow proves what a big dick you have? You know

I’d never heard of this. Thanks! Now I have something to Google while not working. :)

I know Gawker and Reddit have like, Hatfield and McCoy-esque levels of mutual hatred, but the subreddit /r/amibeingdetained is a g-d treasure trove of these nutbags. This story is so horrible, but it’s a nice palate cleanser to realize that most of these whackadoos seem to use their “secret knowledge” to commit

came here for P. Barnes, was not disappointed

I tried to like golf for this reason and this reason only, because he’s my favorite author. Even the Woder couldn’t keep me from dying of boredom a dozen times.