James S

My friend and I talk about GoT on Mondays on our way into work (long car ride). We somewhat predicted the journey beyond the wall back at the beginning of the season, ultimately ending up with the zombie ice dragon. The dead army needed something to equalize the whole 3 dragons thing. Also, without the horn (book

Anyone that’s been in the AV world for a few years knows that Apple love selling the user adapters and one-off tech. Until MacBooks went with the Mini DisplayPort adapter nearly every MacBook model had a different display adapter. We use to have to carry around a bag with us to events that had every version going back

This is basically how I feel anytime some new diet craze comes along. I am not the healthiest person in the world, but when I will myself to do a couple of simple things better I do lose (some) weight and felt a lot better. Eat whole food, or as close to it as possible. For a long time there was nothing that came in a

One of my favorite books, probably because it was the first one I really finished as a late teen. I can totally see these two playing those characters. My next questions is who will play the witch and witch hunter?

This was an interesting episode. I agree that this whole season has felt like everything was on fast forward. Coming off of last week’s awesomeness, it felt weird that so many things were pumping the brakes. There were some good scenes, but like you said, there were a lot of scenes that needed to be dragged out more

Fresh n Easy, when it existed, use to sell higher end lunchables of their own brand. I use to love them, although they were a bit pricey. Sadly a few years before they shuttered they stopped selling them. Now I just make my own. Way less expensive, but that goes for pretty much every convenience meal.

Pretty sure the 51% of women in our Computer Science major defeat his argument. We also have to understand that the systems and educational institutions that we have in place aren’t balanced, so it is more an issue of opportunity than biology.

I really didn’t see any chemistry there. I’ve watched the episode twice and just didn’t see it in that scene. Both of their characters have basically not been all that interested in sex minus a few diversions. They were both in that room to accomplish something, an neither did. It wasn’t until much later when Dany

Somewhat similar. My sister in law had a son with her ex-husband. Her son, Michael, died not long after due to health issues. My wife and I traveled to see her and my brother for their wedding a few years ago (not the ex). When we left to go to the church someone shouted to us to grab the teddy bear, Michael. Not

No worries. My wife and I are just about to enter into the foster/adopt world, so correcting those errors is a part of that. Hopefully a nice car project will be something that they’re interested in.

My dad and I were never close growing up. He focused mostly on my sisters, so by the time they’d left and the focus drew onto me, I was already in my rebellious teen years and I wasn’t the typical jock son that he wanted. I was a nerdy artist kid who would rather play video games than go camping. We fought a lot. I

I have one friend that gave me crap for listening to one album or another. I let it known that I didn’t care what he thought and that I’ll listen to whatever I want. Born to Die is a great record so feel no shame. One of the things that I love about Spotify is the huge catalog that it gives users to go through. I’ve

As the episode started my wife was folding laundry. I started giggling all throughout that cold open. My wife, who hasn’t watched most of the show, asked why I was so giddy. I just looked at her and said “I know what’s happening.” I really liked the offset of that scene later on when she meets the Lanister group. She

I’d completely forgotten about the horn since it hasn’t been mentioned in the show (yet). I could totally see Cercei thinking that blowing it would crush the North, not considering/caring what lies beyond it. Man, I hope they go this route versus what my initial thoughts were, that of one of Dany’s close friends.

I generally fall into the eye roll group. A lot of that is that I am a semi-professional baker now. One of the first questions I get at one of the markets I sell at is “do you have any gluten free bread?” It usually comes with this snide smile like they’re looking for a debate. I get this after they look at my table

I am the youngest child in my family, and the second son. I can say that this is probably true. Both my brother and I didn’t do great in school, and had our share of delinquent behavior, but I was by far was. I was arrested, kicked out of one high school, did drugs (granted I was introduced to them by my other sibs),

I usually get some crap for loving Contact as well. I’ve pretty much always been a Sci-Fi fan though, surrounded by those that weren’t as big of ones. I remember seeing this with my family in the theater and afterward everyone was going off about how badly it sucked. I was still in awe of it. I think that the ending

Some elementary schools operate this way to some degree. There is also the MOOC branch, SPOCs (Small, Private, Online Course) when faculty take a larger MOOC and scale it down to an individual class.

I recently binged the last season in preparation for this coming Sunday. I use to watch the series from the beginning before the new season started, but after season 4 that became a bit of a slog. Battle of the Bastards still blew me away for, what, the third time? The Door brought a tiny tear. And I still was a bit

Where I am at in Southern California it was above 110 this past weekend. We usually don’t get close to that until August if at all. It felt like all one needed to do to start a fire was snap one’s fingers. Surprisingly I didn’t see any notices of ones in our area. That being said, there was more than a few in our area