James S

I think I’ll have to try this out this weekend. My wife usually isn’t too hungry that early in the morning, and isn’t a big fan of the american breakfast either, so this might be a great alternative. Not to mention that it is supposed to be around 110F here on Sat. A heavy meal in hot weather is never fun.

The problem is that the windshield wiper fluid cap clearly looks like a windshield and wipers/fluid goes there. Also the oil filler is right on the engine. If you think windshield wiper fluid would be any part of an engine, you probably shouldn’t be opening the engine bay. Also, I think (I’d have to open my Mini’s

It’s been awhile, but if I remember correctly they do hint that Nymeria is alive and still going in the forest, with a new pack of wolves. Her visions were the strongest when she was at Harrenhal and faded as she left the area. They really don’t touch on it in the show, but all of the Stark kids are wargs to some

Another good element of this is that it introduces these kids to what many would consider “scary” people. It can show them that these scary people are just people, and more often than not, nice and warm hearted.

Oh man. So many things.

Sadly I wish it could look this good in the actual hololens. Got one a couple of weeks ago for work development stuff. Its cool, but these kinds of vids really skew the reality of it (pun?). Granted it is still really friggin cool and world changing. It just needs some evolution.

This happened to me for the majority of my early sex life. The only times it stopped was when I was in serious relationships that lasted at least 6 months. It still pops up from time to time with my wife, who I’ve been with for 15 years, whenever stress is pretty high. It really is frustrating. We usually just stop

The junk food element came up a lot during our training. It is an easy coping mechanism for kids, as most junk food hits all of those pleasure centers in the brain. We went through it ourselves a couple of years ago when we tried to cut out fast food. It is hard. Finding the pleasure of cooking helped a lot. Some of

My wife and I are going through Foster-to-Adopt and the subject of getting the kids to eat properly came up multiple times. While initially struck off-guard by the topic, my immediate reaction was to have dinners be a communal event where they can, hopefully, help me in the kitchen preparing it, and then we all sit

Saw Wonder Woman last night. It was a much needed refreshment after a very long working vacation. That scene was really amazing as it did just what you said, plus pulled Diana away from simply following Steve, as she had been doing for some time by that point. It was her moment to be like “I’ve got stuff to take care

1 - What kind of sandwich can you make better than anyone else? Made this recipe on a day I got halfway through making a sandwich and realized that we were out of lunch meat. Fried up some red and golden potato slices and added them on. So. Friggin. Good. Recipe is pretty simple, grilled sourdough (homemade whole

Really reminds me of some of the logic used in The Circle (book).

Is Budlight a reward or a punishment?

My wife and I did this a couple of years ago to try to get healthier and save some money. The process is actually pretty darn easy. Just eat more of the other stuff on the plate. Instead of cooking a chicken breast for each of us, I now cook one breast that we share. Then we load on the salad and/or veggies. If we are

I’ve been wondering how the movie was going to turn out, and heavily debating on seeing it. I’m about 3/4 through the book and really wondering where the hell it is going. It seems like it is building toward something, but it is taking too long to get there, spending more time on the spookiness of “closing the Cirlce”

Many years ago my brother had to go through this kind of clearance because he was going to be babysitting some nukes in the military. Pretty weird when the men in black show up. I didn’t get interviewed by them, but most of my family did. Thorough is an understatement.

My wife is a huge fan of mac n cheese add-ins. For the basic kraft stuff she will add in curry powder or mustard. Basic, yes. Usually for the more “dinner” style, like cracker barrel or velveta she always adds in pepperoni. I am not a fan of add-ins, so I guess I live a boring life.

I remember jumping into my buddy’s ‘66 Mustang thinking that I was going to tear up some asphalt, and then laughing as I floored it and the thing just crawled to a cruising speed. Granted it was a straight 6 that badly needed some love, but the illusion was ruined. When I bought my 67 Ranchero I drove it back from

As a baker, thank you.

I remember driving home from my birthday dinner many years ago in my somewhat new to me 1967 Ranchero. Man I loved that car. Pulled out of the parking lot and the car just felt terrible. Kept thinking it was a vacuum line, but wasn’t too knowledgeable about classic engine yet. Made it home and called some “experts”