James S

I watched the Netflix doc on the Barlkey right when I first started getting serious about running. As I started the doc I thought to myself “this looks super fun, I can totally train up for this.” By the end of it I realized that I am not built for it. If I had started training earlier in life maybe, but not now. My

Instead of the shark being picked up by the hurricane, isn’t it more likely that it swam up the flood waters and got stuck? Bulls have an ability to store salt in their systems so that they can travel in fresh water channels, and are well known to do so in South Africa. Weirdly, doing this and swimming in fresh water

No, it was the Star Wars Light Side challenge at Disneyland. The Goofy challenge is a half and full if I remember right at Disney World. I am planning on the Dopey Challenge for 2019 though. I was planning on doing it next year, but they sold out before I could register.

I haven’t done a full marathon yet, but it is on my list for 2019. I did my first half this year (with a 10k the day before) and it was indeed an experience. Even moreso because my training had fallen off in the months before hand. I do not recommend that. Train, train, train. I was already prett wiped from the day

I was raised in the church, but it never sat well with me. My parents are die hards, and my mom’s side of the family can trace its lineage back to the Pratt’s. There was always this assumption that I’d go on a mission and be a “good Mormon.” While I like most of the people in the church and some of their community

This was a great farewell movie, not just for Logan, but for X-Men movies in general. I think they did well in providing a world in which the other movies kind of existed, but their stories were skewed from their reality by comic book writers. In fact Logan mentions that the comics were based on one event (but which

Did they say that they killed those two guys? They were more than likely Negan’s guys, as they were talking about Fat Joey if I remember right. I wouldn’t be surprised if they killed them, because Negan, but it would have been pretty careless.

Some are still done in monoculture, but it is better than strictly using primarily one monoculture (Hard White Wheat). Monoculture was really what I was trying to drive toward as being part of the problem. The system in general is the bigger problem. I agree about organic, but it is a starting point. Really we should

Don’t blame the grain, blame the industry. We’ve stopped rotating crops and grow crops more for yield and disease resistance (part of yield) than for nutritional value, or, I don’t know, flavor. Organic farming helps, but isn’t always the answer. Buying local helps, but also isn’t always he answer. The more customers

I remember back when I listened to late night talk radio years ago there were similar people making similar claims. Its all laughable. I really don’t get how they’ve come to get such large platforms.

Been down this road a few times. First was my 67 Ranchero. I still miss that car. I bought it knowing that it needed some love. After driving it a few times to work and back over a couple of months the engine started having issues. Over the course of the next four years I found all sorts of hacks and issues with it,

A year ago hadn’t run a 5k yet. This weekend I will be doing a 10k and a Half Marathon. Next year I will do the Dopey Challenge at Disney World. The running bug is real people. The couch to 5k apps are great to get one up and into the idea of running multiple times a week. It worked for me and I spent most of the

Pretty much the same thoughts that I had, and I was really excited for this movie. I think they just sold a different, better, more interesting movie earlier on.

As soon as I saw Tarkin I knew that he was CG. The render was pretty darn good, but there was something with the animation that was just a hair off (thank you uncanny valley). Leia was much less refined so it stuck out. Afterward I was talking to my wife about the CG characters and she was confused. She only though of

Really, I am on the fence about this movie. I only watched the first trailer because I was excited for this movie. Like more excited for it than ep 7. I read the prequel novel, Catalyst (which I highly recommend) so a lot of the backstory on the Erso’s, Krennic, and the Kyber crystals was already there, which helped

As someone who also bought a WiiU a few years ago, I am kind of sad about it going away. Then again, my wife and I only use it to play Skylanders and Lego Dimensions. Even the “big” Nintendo games, like any of the Mario games, we never played. I think we just moved past those kinds of titles. Granted this was also a

Great to see him still around. My wife and I watch Food Network Star every season and were really happy when he won. He reminded me a lot of Alton Brown, who got me into cooking with Good Eats. Never heard anything about him after the pilot though so we were wondering what happened to him. Good to hear that he’s found

It would be great if this were to become an update to a WindowsRT device. I have one collecting a bunch of dust, that I almost ewasted a couple of weeks ago, becuase it is essentially useless at this point. It would be a smart thing to revitalize a market MS has abandoned.

Years ago my dad and wife, then girlfriend, drove from our nice and chilly Southern California home to visit some family in Denver for Thanksgiving. Everything was fine there. I enjoyed the minimal snow and Colorado cold. My wife did not since it was her first real entry into non-SoCal weather. We decided to leave

The mental game really is the biggest part of a good run. I’ve struggled with the mental wall with almost every race than I’ve run this year. The only exception was the Disneyland race earlier this month where I was distracted by running with my family and all of the other Disney stuff. It was one of the best runs