James S

Looks like the light bulbs are sold out. Also the price for the soft white were the same. I think Amazon will honor the price if you order now, when they restock.

I vaguely remember going to Epcot with my family back in 89. Of that trip I think I remember Epcot more than the other parks. That isn’t to say that I enjoyed it. While it was more interesting than MGM Studios back then, it wasn’t a high bar. Disney World itself is a complete blur to me. I am planning a trip to the

Rye, or otherwise known as the gateway to the rabbit hole. I got sucked in pretty bad last year, but I walked away with my love for Spelt. I bought a 50lbs bag from a co-op in Minnesota that I am still going through, roughly a year later. This saves a ton of money and the quality is outstanding. I also know exactly

I’ve been baking at home for a couple years now. For at least a year of that I had the same starter going, but it turned funky when I had to go on a long trip. One can cheat things, mostly the timetable a bit by doing a “quick” starter. Do the same 1:1 of flour and water. Make sure the water is at about 130 F and add

I have a feeling that Ford might have been making a Theresa clone, as I think Bernard is one of Arnold. That he has gotten away with the clone thing for so long by changing the way that he looked over the years. Maybe Ford’s father was the original clone. I still don’t know about the split timeline thing. It would be

I think Elijah hit it on the head. JRPGs, and even some Western RPGs are a lot about walking around getting from point to point. Usually this is super redundant but it seems like FFXV has taken the time to make the environments diverse enough to make it at least somewhat visually stimulating. I enjoyed the original

It looks fun. I’ve liked or loved most of his films. I am looking forward to this.

I bought some of their Men’s Running 2.0 socks. They were super comfortable, though weird as I’d never tried toe socks before. I felt that they kept everything comfortable and I didn’t really notice them, which is a good thing, on the run. Thanks again for the recommendation. I’ll have to buy some more now. 

This is my second year with the NaNoWriMo. I’ve typically just used Google Docs for writing as it allows me to write pretty much anywhere on the same file. I start a new doc for each day, copying the one from the day before. This allows me to really track the progress of the story, since I tend to self edit things

I had a conversation with my dad about the dot just the other day. He’d been wondering if he should get one. My best friend has a full Echo that he’s had since the beginning and it is almost entirely used as a music player. Every now and then he asks it a question, but usually it is just easier to go to google on a

Thanks for the link. I’ve been meaning to try some toe socks, as I was looking into some Vibrams awhile back. I worried about how well they’ve work since I have Morton’s Toe and a kind of weird pinky toe because of the same issues you mention. I’ll throw some in my cart and try ‘em out.

I’ve been trying to find the “right” running gear for awhile. I’ve worn different headphones, glasses, shorts, shirts, underwear, and socks. I’ve written in one of these other threads about my search for shoes so I’ll leave that one out. I use to run in almost completely cotton gear and felt terrible. It wasn’t until

I like the idea of the multiple timeline thing, but I have to agree with a lot of people here that there are too many holes for that to be reality. It would have been cool, but pretty hard to pull off really. Granted, that doesn’t mean that the writers aren’t going to ignore those holes and go with it anyway.

I don’t own a PS4 (yet), but I do have a Vita lying around somewhere that I don’t think I’ve used in a year or two. Do you think it is worth charging up to play this, or wait until I eventually get a PS4? It looks cute, and my wife and I have played every main Final Fantasy, and some of the non-main ones, so I am

As a Moto360 owner I can mostly agree. I “need” to buy a new one, thanks to a dying battery and its terrible replacement process. I’d like a gen2 Moto360, or the Sport model since I do use it while running often, but I just can’t justify the cost. A new, higher quality Smartwatch still costs in the $300-500 range.

I have to agree. Having the show live would have made it a lot more interesting. As it was it felt like a cheap knock-off. Some of that was the bad lip-syncing right at the beginning that carrier through. I loved Riff, but hated the way that he sang things. Laverne was awesome, but I kept hearing Tim Curry whenever

Bought the game yesterday. I had pre-ordered it from Gamestop online because I wanted it somewhat on release day, as well as the dark edition which is a GS exclusive (?). Well, GS screwed up and shipped the wrong version so we went to a local store and had no issue buying the dark edition. Went to Toys r Us to pick up

Gotta say, I have been really interested in this game. My wife and I got into the series with Swap Force. We bought most (all?) of the special figures/characters for that game, then went backwards and did the first one and Giants. We bought a few of the special characters for Trap Team, but we were more broke at that

Congratulations on quitting. It is a hard thing, and I’ve picked it back up a few times, and hate myself. It definitely takes more time than non-smokers to get to a comfortable place with running. I used a Couch to 5k program (app on my phone) which helped a lot. It would probably be a good place to start, but I think