James S

I’ve generally been a Ford fan. I’ve had two classic Rancheros (67/78), and two Mustangs (66/06). I’ve had a lot of others, but always came back to Ford. When I bought my recent car I wanted a hybrid since I log so many miles. I looked at Ford’s offerings, and they sucked. Ended up with a Kia Niro PHEV, and it is one

Thank you for keeping on this. As one of Rev’s customers, I’ve already written to ask them to stop this practice. I’m sure we’re a drop in the bucket, but I don’t have a problem taking our business elsewhere.

My wife and I are foster parents and homework has always been an issue for our FS. He stresses about it, because it is usually Math, which is his worst subject. Eventually I told him that I would talk to his teacher. If he could prove that he could do the work asked in class (getting the concepts and doing well on

To those saying that Speech-to-Text services like Google’s can take the place of the people that do this service, no. I ran a research project on this last year and the automated services just aren’t there yet. They re good, but they miss a lot. They are also literal, so stammering and such gets through. Comparing

My elementary school offers a before and after school program. Space is limited, but they haven’t hit capacity yet this year. It is free and sponsored by the local YMCA, so they offer some cool things for the kids to do, like a run club and martial arts. My wife and I have offset work hours, so I leave for work around

Does $3k in savings on a car really matter that much. I’m not buying Telsa or BMW levels of cars, but $3k is minuscule compared to the cost of a new mid-level car right now. I mean, if I was looking at a Kia Rio or some other budget car, $3k might be a big deal, but what are people actively buying right now? Aren’t

Just had to do the same to my cat last week. She was about the same age as well. I still walk into the room and expect to see her on the bed, and go grab her bowl when its time to feed the animals. I’m sorry for your loss.

They[’ll all be 10+ minutes. 85 minutes total and only 7 tracks.

Amazon has it for $37 as well

This has become my role in the last few years. We normally ordered take out from the Italian place we grew up eating at. Once my wife and I started picking it up, and seeing how much the cost was, I told everyone that I would do it the next year for a lot less money and better quality.

I was at Kia this past weekend to buy a new car. It was very difficult NOT to test drive one of these. I knew that if I did I would be leaving in one most likely. I really miss my old 2006 Mustang and its sportiness, but sadly I needed something with much better mpg ratings. Sat in a Stinger while waiting for the

Mine too

Great track. Really looking forward to the album.

My big issue with Cage’s work has always been the actual gameplay element. I never feel like I am playing a game or anything like that, just mashing whatever button I need to in order to get to the next quick time event and/or cinematic. I agree that games and even cinema should evolve, but I am not sure that his

This was kind of my reaction to this story hitting. It isn’t about sides or YouTube, or any of the other aspects that keep getting brought up. It is about mental health and gun access. We don’t need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, but we could do a lot to ensure that people that want a gun are people that can handle that

A half marathon isn’t that bad. I absolutely hated my first one, but really enjoyed my second. A full marathon (for now) is the distance I see as crazy, and anything beyond that. The biggest annoyance is the boredom an hour or so in. I much prefer the 10k distance (for now) though. I once thought anything beyond a 5k

I’ll have to try this after my half marathon in June. I had an alcoholic beer after my last half, then another a couple of hours later when the pain was setting in. Both helped a lot to relieve the aches going into the next day. I did feel sluggish and bloated though after the drinks.

Really wasn’t a fan of Legend as Jesus. He and Pilot just felt out of place with how well everyone else was doing. Totally agree with the misuse of Alice Cooper. From the beginning I thought he’d make a better Pilot than Harod. Aside from them, I think the whole thing worked a lot better than previous “Live” specials.

I was just in Nola for a work thing in Feb. I was wondering why all of the strip clubs and such were closed (not that I intended to patron, just a curiosity). If they’re trying to do this to clean up Bourbon street, they’re going after the wrong vice. Seriously. They would need to shut down 3/4 of the bars just to

I’m from SoCal and drove up to the Portland area for a work thing a few years ago. I can attest that it is a gorgeous and magical place. We drove through Cali through the night in the pouring rain. We came through Grants Pass right as the sun came up and the rain halted. It was an amazing thing. I keep planning on