James S

I’ve been trying to find the “right” running gear for awhile. I’ve worn different headphones, glasses, shorts, shirts, underwear, and socks. I’ve written in one of these other threads about my search for shoes so I’ll leave that one out. I use to run in almost completely cotton gear and felt terrible. It wasn’t until

I don’t own a PS4 (yet), but I do have a Vita lying around somewhere that I don’t think I’ve used in a year or two. Do you think it is worth charging up to play this, or wait until I eventually get a PS4? It looks cute, and my wife and I have played every main Final Fantasy, and some of the non-main ones, so I am

Bought the game yesterday. I had pre-ordered it from Gamestop online because I wanted it somewhat on release day, as well as the dark edition which is a GS exclusive (?). Well, GS screwed up and shipped the wrong version so we went to a local store and had no issue buying the dark edition. Went to Toys r Us to pick up

Gotta say, I have been really interested in this game. My wife and I got into the series with Swap Force. We bought most (all?) of the special figures/characters for that game, then went backwards and did the first one and Giants. We bought a few of the special characters for Trap Team, but we were more broke at that

Congratulations on quitting. It is a hard thing, and I’ve picked it back up a few times, and hate myself. It definitely takes more time than non-smokers to get to a comfortable place with running. I used a Couch to 5k program (app on my phone) which helped a lot. It would probably be a good place to start, but I think

Totally. I bought a nice pair of Reboks in May from a closing Sports Chalet(?). Did a race in June and got massive shin splints. Went back and bought some Asics right before they closed the doors. I wore them for a month and while they helped the shin pain, it didn’t go away and other areas of my feet were hurting. I

Getting a proper fit for shoes if really getting into running will help a lot. I was getting a lot of injuries because I kept buying whatever shoe felt fine in the store. I finally went to a specialty running store and was fitted with some great shoes. The price wouldn’t have hurt as much if I had just started there

Had a similar expereince with my 67 Ranchero. “Blew” the engine that came with it, or so I was told by a friend who “knew” more than me. Bought one that had been sitting in a guy’s back yard for at least two years. It was caked in crap, but I took it home for about $200. I spent the next year cleaning it and doing a

I use to work as a cast member (ride operator) there. I’m amazed that this has even been an issue as managers are pretty strict, at least were when I worked there. Then it wasn’t even allowed to have a cell phone in your pocket during working hours. This was something like ten years ago though.

I’ve had accounts at big banks and a few credit unions. My wife has worked for credit unions since we started dating some 14 years ago. Compared to a bank the credit unions that I’ve belonged to have offered better customer service. It usually just seems like “I” matter more to them. Since they’re smaller companies

1) 1967 Ford Ranchero - By far my favorite body, but a 1 year only style that made finding parts incredibly annoying. I saw that it had a lot of rust in the floorboards, but bought it anyway because these are rare years and I was blinded by love. Drove it somewhat reliably for 2 months and then the engine started

I can’t count the stupid things I’ve done similar to that. One was when I was rebuilding a Ford 302 as a replacement for a supposedly bad 289. I thought the water pumps were the same, but how tall the the water pump pulley stuck out was about a 1/4 inch different. Nice thing to find out after it was put in to the car

Just sold my wife’s ‘66 Dodge Dart GT. It was a weird, rare GT in that it was a Slant 6. Basically had every option available for a SL6. It had sat in a garage for at least 13 years before we bought it, and probably longer. Aside from some surface rust on the hood, roof, and trunk lid, the thing was spotless.

Always great to see my general area in the news. I wouldn’t say this is “just east of L.A.” as L.A. is at least 45 minutes from there, if no other cars are on the road.

I will probably pick one up. I have yet to buy a PS4 and am looking to get one roughly around the time this comes out, so it works out. I wouldn’t say that I am super excited for all of the bells and whistles, just glad that I didn’t buy one at launch like I had planned. I have been pretty happy with my Xbone and

Got this for Christmas last year and have been having a tough time getting into it. Part of the issue was going a little too agressive with the story and ending up way underleveled for the area that I am in. That has meant a lot of time grinding away and dying often. I keep debating on a reload of the game. It has

Living alone is something that I’ve never done, but have always felt that I should have. My wife and I moved in together pretty much after a couple of weeks of dating. We both knew pretty early that we would get married so it seemed weird to me later that I never experienced life living alone. I’ve wondered how I

Haven’t been to WDW since I was 8, but planning a trip there for the Marathon weekend of 2018. 30 years of a gap. Everything you write though is pretty much true. I use to work at Disneyland and things are much the same there, though WDW does have a few things DL doesn’t. It seems like you guys had things worked out

Personally, the best bread is the one one bakes themselves. Seriously, it isn’t that much work or difficult. And no, a bread machine loaf does not count.

Really seems like the team didn’t know what they were getting into. Been there, done that. both as a developer and as a backer. Kind of sad for the backers on this one.