James S

For the most part I would say yes. There are obvious good ones and bad ones. There are also those that are bigger and can offer more/better options, and smaller ones that may not be able to offer those things or even have a decent website. They generally care more for the member/customer though. I’ve been a member of,

Credit unions are usually much better about this kind of thing, having been a part of one or another for about 20 years now. My wife has worked for one for roughly ten years and they are pretty good about this. They only charge the maintenance fee on accounts that keep a low balance, like below $200 a month in their

As someone who recently started running, and am looking at a 4 day, 50 mile run in 2018, I can totally understand the addictive nature of this. Reading that first line or two here my brain said “we could totally do that in a few years.” I think more than just being a bit about pushing one self, more and more runners,

I’m weird. I liked 2 and Infinite. Granted not as much as the first one, but still decent games and better than a lot of FPS games I’ve played. I’ve been meaning to plug my ps3 back in to play Infinite again, but I might just wait for the collection now.

I played one of these back in 94 or 95 in San Diego, CA. I saw it in a VR arcade place that charged something like $5 a turn for this. I saved up and finally went to play it. We were given zero instructions and just let loose in the VR world. Before either of us could get an idea of what was going on or how to move we

This happened to me when I drove my friend’s 1966 Mustang. I was super excited to help him finally pull out of his dad’s shed after sitting for close to a decade. We worked on getting it all working and ready for the road. When we got it back to his place he handed me the keys and let me have at it. I was so excited.

My wife and I were avid Skylander’s players until Superchargers. Ugh. While it was cool to get some Nintendo additions, it was still one of the worst games in the series for me.

I’ve spent the last year learning to bake breads, coming at it from a somewhat scientific angle. For the most part this infographic is good in showing the basic elements and what each ingredient does to the baked goods, and I generally describe how things like Butter alter a dough in the same way.

I don’t think anyone needed to be killed. Even the whole fight there was just a bunch of people that were just trying to stop the other, not kill. It wasn’t about hate, but about tactic. That’s why Rhodes being paralyzed I think works better than a death. The constant reminder. In reality death would have been easier

I think if GoT really wanted to screw with everything, Ned would get to the top of the tower to find....... just his sister dying. No R+L=J. Considering that everyone has predicted this for years, the show writers and GRRM could throw a nice curve at us.

Interesting. One of the game designs I’ve worked on had the character’s gender and race chance with every death. I always thought it would be pretty controversial. Good on them for sicking to their guns and listening to the players and not the loud and angry voices.

That is a gross generalization of this generation. In fact I can say that I do not know a single person that fits that description. While yes there is an ignorance as to what labor means, we can’t blame them for that. We created the road they’re walking down. This is a much bigger topic/problem though that I don’t

This seems to be a belief in the older generation, not just in game development. I hear all the time at my job, working for a college, about how the students don’t understand hard work and that they have it easy. What they don’t understand is all of the other stuff that these students are juggling vs. what these older

Talk about a tricky subject. There’s reasoning behind the developer’s position, and it is really surprising that despite the critical accliam that the game has had that they haven’t made any real money from it yet. On the other hand, if the game was deep enough to only give a player the need/want to go through it once

@HeartatWar - Honestly it is time to make a decision. If you are truly conflicted then it is time to put things on hold with your fiance while you figure out who you want to be with. Just don’t be surprised if your fiance is not so understanding. Either scenario could go great for you, or it could completely go

A little over a month ago I was a smoker. I’d been a smoker for over 20 years. I am overweight and generally just not in that good of shape. 10 days ago I did my first 5k race. Did I do well? Meh. I finished.

I can say that our own process was strange. I created our Greenlight page about midway through our Kickstarter campaign in a hope to drum up some business there as well as get the ball rolling toward getting the game on Steam. Right away we started to see issues with our game thanks to the feedback from Greenlight. I

This could almost be an (insert name of major metropolitan city here) kind of thing. I always laugh when I see the same thing for L.A. or San Fransisco. There is a reason most people that work in those cities live an hour outside of them.

They weren’t.

Downloaded this morning. Be warned it is a 10GB download. Another 1.5GB for the tree pack.