James S

That is a gross generalization of this generation. In fact I can say that I do not know a single person that fits that description. While yes there is an ignorance as to what labor means, we can’t blame them for that. We created the road they’re walking down. This is a much bigger topic/problem though that I don’t

This seems to be a belief in the older generation, not just in game development. I hear all the time at my job, working for a college, about how the students don’t understand hard work and that they have it easy. What they don’t understand is all of the other stuff that these students are juggling vs. what these older

Yup. Think you pegged the episode pretty right completely right. The issue I think is like you said, the show runners have too much confidence in what they’re doing. They’re also developing this all in a vacuum. Of course it all seems great to them.

Just like the end of last week’s episode, as soon as they start standing around in some random area and arguing/monologue-ing, something bad is going to happen. This episode was just filled with that. It just didn’t make sense for so many of the core characters to leave the town at roughly the same time. Carol has

Talk about a tricky subject. There’s reasoning behind the developer’s position, and it is really surprising that despite the critical accliam that the game has had that they haven’t made any real money from it yet. On the other hand, if the game was deep enough to only give a player the need/want to go through it once

@HeartatWar - Honestly it is time to make a decision. If you are truly conflicted then it is time to put things on hold with your fiance while you figure out who you want to be with. Just don’t be surprised if your fiance is not so understanding. Either scenario could go great for you, or it could completely go

A little over a month ago I was a smoker. I’d been a smoker for over 20 years. I am overweight and generally just not in that good of shape. 10 days ago I did my first 5k race. Did I do well? Meh. I finished.

This was an interesting episode. Carol for a long time has been one of my favorite characters in the show as she is someone who has learned to adapter to the crappy conditions around her. In this case I think it is happening without her real desire to do so. When she was captured she had to play the meek Carol, even

Yay! Love Coheed and Cambria. Saw this yesterday when they posted it to Facebook. Great video.

I can say that our own process was strange. I created our Greenlight page about midway through our Kickstarter campaign in a hope to drum up some business there as well as get the ball rolling toward getting the game on Steam. Right away we started to see issues with our game thanks to the feedback from Greenlight. I

Its because food is easy and we have disassociated ourselves with the process of bringing food from the field to our mouths. I’m not one of those crazy zealot “non-GMO, organic everything, vegan” kind of people, but I do avoid most processed foods. By that I buy whole foods and make the foods I want. I eat popcorn and

This could almost be an (insert name of major metropolitan city here) kind of thing. I always laugh when I see the same thing for L.A. or San Fransisco. There is a reason most people that work in those cities live an hour outside of them.

They weren’t.

I really think Deadpool worked because of the issues its faced over the years. Having been destroyed in the Wolverine movie and then Ryan’s determination to “get it right” made a movie that people wanted to see, and the team knew that they had to make a movie that would make the fans happy, and not just another

I have to agree with pretty much everything here. While it was nice to have an episode where things finally start to go right (minus Sam and his mom), it also felt super cheap/lazy.

Downloaded this morning. Be warned it is a 10GB download. Another 1.5GB for the tree pack.

And here I was thinking about finally reviving my Vita this morning. Looks like it will wait.

Being as my wife doesn’t drive I am always the one behind the wheel. In the last few years we’ve done some great trips from SoCal to SLC and Portland. During those trips I was not able to really appreciate the drive because when I drive I just want to get there, not stop at road stands or look out the side window. I

After Freakshow I had serious doubts about a fifth season of AHS. I loved seasons 1, and Asylum was amazing. Things seemed to progressively go downhill from there. One thing that has bothered me in all of the seasons is the last episodes always tend to feel like rushed wrapping up of things. Its lazy. Even with that

Somehow I missed this yesterday and was told by a friend on the way into work. I am deeply saddened by this and I think this post hit the nail on the head. As a creative person I was heavily influenced by just the things written here. In that, I prefer to think that he just left Earth to continue his exploration of