James S

I’ve often found the same to be true. I love my old school analog gauges in my classics, and in my restomod I debated converting to something digital. My giant circle in the middle of my 2011 Mini annoys the crap out of me. I wish I could have found a used one in my price range/package range that had the nav system in

Wow. Think I will need to develop a similar list this year. I know I usually buy games that I only play 20 minutes of, and others I will play to their death.

Its on Fox so it will probably get cancelled after the first commercial break.

I had finally narrowed our garage from 4 cars to 2 cars in 2015, selling off my 2006 Mustang and 1967 Ranchero. This left me with the 2011 Mini Clubman and 1966 Dart GT. My plan “was” to sell the Dart and buy either something I really wanted, like a 1966 Mustang GT (yes boring but I am kind of tired working on rare

I own a 2011 Clubman. I’ve been a fan of Mini’s for years and finally bought one last year. I traded in my 2006 Mustang V6 Manual for the non-S automatic. I always hated the clutch in the mustang, and in southern California traffic it hurt. Hence the auto. I love my Mini and my only real regret is not paying the extra

Yeah...... The show was interesting and funny at the beginning, but it totally lost traction a couple of episodes in. It is a difficult premise to keep going, and one of the big issues I have with every season of AHS. They always start excellent, but it seems the writers stop caring halfway through. We finished Scream

I’ve been feeling the same way for years. This is why I’ve never been a huge fan of the MMO scene or general multiplayer only games. When one buys a single-player focused game they are paying for a story and all of the content that goes with it. With multiplayer games the players are expected to build that for the

Part of the resistance to all of this is that the general public can’t afford to buy a Tesla, or live in an area/work a job where a 75 mile range version is practical. I looked into an EV car a few months ago and the costs/range just did not add up. Effectively I would be charging the car when I got to work and when I

Pretty sure the Sonic part is where the issue is. Not Sega in general, but the potential for a lawsuit from any of the companies that Nintendo licensed from for Smash Brothers Melee. Lawsuits generally have to follow a chain of parties, so licensed company files suit on Nintendo for allowing their content to be

Thanks for these articles. I’ve been wanting to relive these movies in preparation for the new one, but I don’t own any of the prequels and the only original trilogy copies I own are old VHS ones, and I don’t have a VHS player.

Kind of in the same boat. I hadn’t played in something in like a month, partly because I was getting bored and we were moving. We moved into our new place, with a much much better internet connection, so I decided to give Destiny a go. I played for maybe half an hour before quitting. Just nothing worth playing through

Yup, the show is different from the comics. Its still entertaining, which is why I watch. So much is so far outside of the comics that it is hard sometimes, but as long as one can come to terms with this being a different universe, then it is all fun. They killed “the Joker?” Given the post death scene I doubt they’re

I bought nothing. Between being busy with a move and not really having any idea about what I will be buying my loved ones this year (yet) I have yet to buy one thing. I’ve also just not seen anything that was so amazing that I had to buy it (for myself). A few things perked my interest, but nothing I couldn’t wait a

My wife and I started getting into these a couple of years ago as a game we could both play together. As such my reviews on Infinity and Skylanders is based on a two player mentality.

Gotta agree with every point. I felt the same way in the theater and when I watched it on DVD. So many moments that could have been cool, but fell apart due to bad writing and/or directing. Then there were the pointless action scenes for the sake of action scenes.

This happened to me with Dark Souls. I played through the first time extremely hesitant in the gameplay and died a ton of times. I stopped playing for something like a year before picking it back up and finishing it. Still in the mood for a Souls game before DS2 came out, I went ahead and started a game+. Yes enemies

I think you nailed it pretty well with the idea that this blackout is from the PR arm of development and not the developers themselves. Most developers that I’ve talked to, none at any of the big companies though, value Kotaku as the independent site that it is. So many of the big gaming journalism houses write fluff

I had been debating on writing a novel for a long time and then a friend post that he and a group were doing it so I went ahead and signed up. This is my first book though the story I am writing has been bouncing around in my head for about a decade. 50k words seemed like a mountain, and the 1.66k a day seemed

SGU really suffered finding its feet, mix in the scheduling issues and it was doomed for failure. It picked up by the end of season 1, and started well in 2 growing bland in the middle but the last season was really good. The last episode especially. Really one of the biggest problems they introduced was the brain

Oh lord. Too many stories to tell. Management always boggles my mind. Often people that have no knowledge of the work done seem to get placed in positions of directing said work. There’s no logical way to manage something one doesn’t understand.