James S

One thing we always told clients in cases like yours was just to take authority of the situation. Tell the spirit(s) that this is your house now and in order to get along they would need to communicate if better ways. Sometimes it helped things. If not we would just tell them to act like it was a crappy roommate they

I use Google Docs which allows me to hop between systems easily and I know everything is backed up without me having to think about it. Evernote could work too, but I’ve never really used it.

Pretty interesting concept so far. They have to be careful with where they focus things. Having a big cool open map is nice, but if there is no content, i.e. missions/challenges, then it will end up being a short lived game. Sure walking around as an animal can be fun, and even invading another player’s game in that

I initially hated Dead Space when I played a demo for it. Then a year or so down the road Steam had it on sale so I picked it up. I fell in love. DS2 was one of the few games I bought right after release and though it was bloated with a bunch of unnecessary stuff, one of the best parts was seeing the ship from DS1 and

I have a feeling Glenn is alive. After the initial shock of the scene that was the first thing that came to mind. They killed off a lot of people in this episode so it would kind of suprise me to also kill off a main person. There’s also just a bunch of weirdness with how they’re handling it, like not being on TTD and

Only twice.

Yes to all of this. Recently my nephew has started getting into game development, he is 13. His games so far are fanfic versions of Five Nights at Freddy’s and they’re all simple click based systems with only a few minutes or so of real game time. He decided though that he wants to do an original game and wanted me to

Honestly it seems like they ended each season with the expectation of not getting picked up again, more so this time around. It was a completely hit and miss series, though this last season was pretty darn good.

I constantly have conflict with this show, which translates to most superhero-like shows. Killing people is wrong, ok, but that only seems important for the main villains. Henchmen are a dime a dozen so lets mortally wound them and not talk about it. How many times do they have to show that they would save countless

Check out my blog here (I think you can just click on my username somehow?) in a little bit. I am writing up what I can there. I am a bit too long winded to put it in a comment here.

Because of this article I just wrote up a piece on my blog here about my general experiences in the paranormal and am about to write up what I can about that one case. Check it out there if you want soon.

Yeah it is one of those intriguing lines isn’t it. I don’t talk about it much because I was only there for one night of the investigation and of course it was the second night that had the real crazy stuff. Because I wasn’t there I try not to talk about it much since it is not first hand. The stuff my team told me

I got into “Ghost Hunting” a few years back. I have been on many cases in those years and in all of that time 99% of all activity could be explained away. This was a lot of the credit I use to give to the show Ghost Hunters in the early days as it showed that most hauntings were normal occurrences that people just

I am all for the MTX store as long as it sticks to the cosmetic stuff, and even the level buffs. When it starts putting high level gear and whatnot in there then we will see a lot of people drop off. The PvP stuff is already hard enough for new people to get into since most of the people run around with higher level

Always love the people that think a Diet Soda negates whatever nastiness they consume. I’ve seen it with a ton of people, mostly overweight ones. They’ll order a entire pizza for themselves but insist on Diet Soda because they’re trying to lose weight.

Most of the people here have got things right. Rick’s plan was not the greatest. Reinforcing the wall would have been better and then thinning out the herd over time. My first thought when seeing the quarry was to firebomb it too, but there are a lot of inherent problems with that too. Possible fire containment

Reminds me of my brother. He took some pictures of his feet after a run a few years back. He was stationed in Iraq at the time and it was something like 117 degrees outside and he went for a run barefoot. He’s just a hardcore guy like that.

Saw this mission pop up earlier today and didn’t know what it was. I went about doing the other quests I was doing and then a friend sent me this article. Now I am just waiting for the warsat events to pop up.

I’ve been having this issue too and is why I have stayed away from Crucible for the most part. It started getting really annoying to always be on the losing team. Seriously I don’t think I’ve been on a winning team once. Yes I am not the greatest, but I am not terrible.

I read DKR a few years ago, probably after the last Nolan Batman came out. I could see the reason for the acclaim, but I agree that it seemed to have lost a bit of what Batman was. But that right there might be the answer. It was a book about Batman fighting the want/need to be Batman after a long long absence. I