James S

Here is my problem with this. All this article shows is one perspective without context. People here are raging because this person refused to pay 20% on a bill automatically. While I agree that servers aren’t paid enough the implied additional cost of 20% on a bill should be stated somewhere on the menu or within

One issue I have had in developing games is trying too hard to think of level design and whatnot in the terms of reality. My studio’s first title, which we never released, was based in a large city. I spent almost two years designing it like a real city, with power systems, stores, community centers, and a ton of

This isn’t too suprising considering how often this happens with KS funded games. As a developer and someone who has gone through the KS process as a backer and running a campaign I can say that it is a gamble. Having expereince as a developer I tend to look at KS campaigns pretty hard and only support projects that I

I use to work at a Renaissance Fair and during the late 90’s/early 2000’s it was pretty much a sex den amongst the workers. Now when I hear stories from friends about their “wild and crazy sexual experiences” I laugh, as that was a general Friday night at fair. I can’t tell people the majority of things that I’ve seen

I agree with this. Lucas did improve on a lot of things with the special editions, but really he got too into it and started adding in things that weren’t necessary. Do we need shots of the tiny animals just to have shots of tiny animals? No. For me the real issues wih the special editions was the over use of CG for

I love stupid people. Especially those that live on high horses about being vegan, vegetarian, or even the paleo a-holes. Most of the time they can just be annoying but every once in a blue moon they pull a stunt like the last entry there. Even a few times I’ve been with “vegans” and they’ll order a breakfast platter

I am going through this all now. For me it is a combination of weghts and cardio and so far has done well. Today I woke up and could barely roll out of bed I was so sore, but after a minute I was fine. The soreness doesn’t seem as severe as it was when I started a couple of weeks ago and doesn’t stick around for as

I can totally see this working. Naomi and Michael’s head (which somehow is back in a body because science!) reach he engineer’s planet, or one of them, to find that the Xenomorph’s have overridden their entire civilization. They find another cryopod thingy and resurrect one or more of them to find out what all

Yeah...... it was weird. I was onboard when I saw the trailers because I love the Muppets, but the episode was way more edgy than I was expecting. Very much like a mash-up of the Office and 30 Rock with the actors being played by the Muppets. Felt weird. I will give it a few episodes to see how it shapes up.

My friend and I tried this last night. Sadly we didn’t get it. We had a bunch of bad strategy moments just getting through the initial mission without wiping so that after an hour we only made it to the ketch once. In that one attempt though we managed to almost get past the tank room with time left, but then for some

The basis of the movie never bothered me, but how there were too many characters with plots lacking any real point. It really seemed like a movie that would have been better off as a tv show or mini-series. Too much to tell in too short a time.

It could have a lot to do with how the lawsuit was worded intially as to why this all happened, hence the notes from the court on how to do it right. No I don’t agree that this kind of behavior is acceptable, but wording can become a bigger debate than the actual context in a lot of lawsuits.

Felt this way after the Arkham City Harley Quinn DLC. Paid a decent chunck for it and it took less than an hour to complete. The only good thing about it to me was that it setup Batman’s character for Arkham Knight. This is kind of my issue with DLC to begin with though. Companies charge way too much for drops of

After reading the Three of Coins exploit article last week I went home and tried it. I saw Xur had a few exotic pieces so I bought some gauntlets and Three of Coins. I went about following the article’s method for half an hour and recieved a whopping 2 exotic drops. One was a primary weapon, which I am still using.

I didn’t buy Destiny until about 2.5 months ago when Gamestop had it for $20. My friend was bugging me to get it so he had someone to play with. I played through the story mode in probably 2-3 days of casual play then I was stuck. Since I didn’t buy the expansions there wasn’t much to do. The PvP stuff was pretty much

Another story from my days in retail that are similar. Again while working at the music instrument store, we were right across the street from a big church that just went through a multi-million dollar renovation/reconstruction, and close to about 10 others. Every Saturday or Sunday afternoon a group would come in

Dani is my hero too. That was awesome.

I’ve bought 2 cars from them. I traded my crappy 2006 PT Cruiser to them and was offered more than I had expected given its condition. The last time I tried to trade in my 2006 Mustang, which I bought from them when I traded the PT, but things didn’t work out so I kept it and just bought the other car. My experience

I’ve been on the fence about the whole minimum wage hike for awhile. Initially I was against it for a lot of the reasons you mention here, but then as I thought about them I started realizing the same things you said above. It really comes down to corporate greed in the end, squeezing out every fraction of a cent

The game looks pretty well done. The audio needs some serious tweaking (ps1 level sfx?), but the visuals of the game are seriously well done. I really love the ever changing house concept. It keeps it alive and one gets the sense of not being completely sure about their sanity. I especially loved the surface texture