James S

I started playing FF6(3) after reading your first article on it. I am just before the opera house, as I just saved last night before entering it. It has been a nice flood of memories from when I played it so many years ago. I’ve tried playing through it a few times since those early days, since I never actually beat

This was the first JRPG I liked. The first game I bought for the NES, with my own money, was an RPG that just bored the crap out of me. A few years later I watched my cousin play through a bit of FF2, and again it bored the crap out of me. It probably wouldn’t today, but it did then. I had no interest in JRPG’s. Then

Fury Road was one of the very few movies that I’ve ever seen twice in a theater. The second time was because some friends want to see it even though we already had. I liked it the first time around and worried that I wouldn’t the second time. I actually liked it better the second time since I knew the story and could

This doesn’t really surprise me all that much. Even on sites like Match there are a lot of B.S. accounts used to tease men, get them to go to another site to pay money to talk with a girl, or various other shady things. A key thing we men need to learn is that hot women rarely need a site like AM to get laid. As such

My lord I can’t stand those allergy people. I am allergic to Shellfish, have been since I was a kid (fun experience when I was 6). That allergy has lessened over the years, but I still make it a point to tell waitstaff if I think my food might in some way be affected. That’s it though. I don’t mind a semi swollen

I built a shader for one of my games that another dev told me was really good. He asked where I got it and told him I wrote it. He freaked out. Apparently a lot of people don’t write their own stuff in Unity. He told me I should put it on the Unity store and I’d probably make more there than when the game hit Steam

I wondered about how this would go. I tried pre-ordering the game through Gamestop shortly before launch but there was an error in the order and it didn’t go through so I didn’t get this DLC. Considering it came with the pre-order, yet the Arkham Knight was actually the Red Hood I wondered how this would play out.

I knew this was going to be a debate when they announced it at E3. I agree with everyting mentioned here and other places. As much as I love FF7 it does not really translate to modern times. An easy thing would have been to just re-skin the whole game in modern graphics, but that wouldn’t draw them youngens in now. I

I agree that there were some missed beats in the end. The whole Joker taking over Batman element could have been really cool to play through for awhile. Instead it comes in as a moment of psychosis and magically cures Batman of the Fear toxin. I almost think that the game would have been better done played through the

I’m a newcomer to Destiny too. My friend, and co-developer, has been begging me to get it for months now. I am not much of an MMO or FPS fan so I told him I’d grab it when it dropped to $20. Well a couple of weeks ago GameStop indeed had it for $20. I grabbed it and then spent the next day downloading all of the

Personally I am not a fan of these games. I read a lot about them a few months ago and my nephew raves about them, and so I bought the first one. In the end I just didn’t care for it. I don’t have a problem with the creator having success as these games are good to a large group of people. Congrats to him for making

This makes me sad. I applied for the FTGF last year, but our Kickstarter failed. Oh well, but I still liked the company. Just for clearification the minimum needed to get into the fund wasn’t 50k, but something like 10k if memory serves. One had to have their KS goal of at least 10k and then they’d match that goal. If

This is obviously a tough one. I tend to lean on the side of the owner and not the parent, but that is mostly because I see so many parents nowadays that just let their children run rampant. I know my wife and I would never allow that behavior, but I have witnessed my best friend and my sister do just this. They throw

I am all for this as long as the controls are better. I tried playing the original PS1 port for the PS3 years ago and it was painful.

I was hesitant about the game when it came out so I waited awhile to grab it. I ended up buying it after hearing a ton of reviews about how good it was. I look at it as the Walking Dead video game we didn’t know that we wanted. It really comes down to the story. All of that makes up for the game dynamics that aren’t

Since my Xbone is in the living room and my wife doesn’t like watching me play games all day this is a feature that I’ve been waiting for since I saw the PSTV. I almost bought a PS4 and PSTV specifically for this, but having the feature available on my existing PC makes it more attractive. I am just curious how this

I live not too far from where this was; maybe 15 miles. The smoke plume was pretty intense. Luckily it has been raining pretty heavily off and on since this morning so it has helped with the fight. I had some friends coming home from Las Vegas yesterday too, which this route is the only “good” way from Las Vegas to

I can admit that I’ve done a good amount of these with one or two of my classics. With my 67 Ranchero I learned how to weld, paint, rebuild an engine, rebuild a transmission, rebuild carburetors, remove and reinstall said engine and transmission, replace wheel studs, rebuild power steering pumps, remove rusted bolts,

“Its not a bug, its a feature.” Gotta love PR.

“Kobayashi Maru of fast food news stories” - great f’ing line.