James S

I finally finished the main storyline this weekend. Just waiting to get all of the Riddler Trophies now to get 100%. With that though there are a lot of things I didn’t like about Arkham Knight. Mostly it comes down to the reliance on the Batmobile and glitchy bits here and there. Like randomly Batman decides to walk

I haven’t finished the game. I have a feeling I am super close, but just haven’t yet. Especially as I only had to skip a few parts of this article to not get completely spoiled. The Joker bits of the game are by far some of my favorite moments of the game. They are done and placed well to break up some of the more

I went to E3 something like 4 years ago. Feels like 10. Every year since I’ve debated going again since I live about an hour away and I can get in for free, but every year I change my mind. As much of a wow factor as E3 is, it all feels like flash in the pan. Nothing really has substance. From a lot of the experiences

I am still playing the game so I can’t give a complete review yet, but so far I am feeling just ok with the game. I have played all of the Arkham series and this one just feels like it is missing something. I think a lot has to do with the consistency of the City with Arkham City and Origins, then this one feels like

This happens in a lot of production based businesses. One has to estimate the needs of the next production based on some science and/or magic of what will ultimately be bought. In some cases this produces more than needed as demand ebbs and flows. The problem here is that no one knows what to do with the excess. The

I think 2030 is a bit on the close side for sending the first colonists to Mars. Yes the tech exists to get people there, but there is still a lot to figure out how we would survive the landing and intial colony. As people have said it isn’t the greatest environment to exist on and terraforming the surface looks like

I’ve been to SDCC twice in my life. The first time was back in 1999 when the focus was heavily on comics and the major movie studios hadn’t yet moved in. Marvel and DC were the biggest booths and there was almost no line for panels. The second time was back in I think 2004 when non-comics related companies started

I totally understand TripAdvisors point though. It is unrealistic, just because of the sheer number of businesses in the world, to catch this one instance of manipulation. There aren’t individual people going over each review for each individual city on the planet. There is an algorithm that tracks the reviews of a

I feel sorry for the chef with the Venison. I’ve been there and it hurts the heart and brain. Most of my family want their steaks well done. I did too when I was young, until I had one medium that changed my world. A couple of weeks ago my dad came home from the hospital after surgery and all he wanted was steak.

I have a friend who is like this, though not abusive. She seems to believe in every conspiracy plot on the internet. “Jade Helm is all about creating Marshal Law and forcing people into concentration camps. It all starts with the vaccines then if you oppose they will put you in one of those abandoned Walmarts.” I

This was a great game. I would completely agree about the AI glitch stuff though. The worst was the circular area before the med bay where the Alien would just walk around in a circle and do that sporadic teleporting thing on the radar. Took me awhile to finally get past that. Thankfully those moments were pretty rare

For years I haven’t pre-ordered games. I saw the same things you mentioned after pre-ordering some game, maybe FFIX once upon a time, to pick it up and find that they had a shelf full. I had pre-ordered a few titles before that, but that was my last for a long long time. Now I will only do it if there is some really

I watched the pilot a couple of weeks ago on YouTube. It is really really good. Not a show I would typically imagine being on USA, but they at least will let a show run its length without cancelling it for no reason. Psych could have been cancelled a ton of times, or even Burn Notice. My wife didn’t watch it online so

Great write-up. It reminds me of when I went to E3 a few years back (Just after the Vita was announced). We went as a small game company, there to see if E3 was worth the outrageous cost for booth space, for the next year. It was crazy. I’ve been to some crazy big conventions before, but E3 was up there with ComiCon,

Years and years ago, when I was a teenager, I stayed for a weekend at my cousin’s place. They had recently bought a N64 and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. My cousin played it for a little bit to show me his progress and then let me take a crack at it. I then spent the next two days playing the game, only to take

Its hard to speculate on what will happen in the books. It really does make sense for Shireen to be sacrificed for the same reasons they did it in the show. There needs to be “that” lined crossed for Stannis. He has tried so hard for so long to not have to cross it, but he will ultimately get to a point that it is

I bought and played Deadly Premonition Directors Cut after reading a few reviews of how amazing it was. Sadly I did not find this wonder and magic that people speak about. All I found was some terrible graphics, controls, and gameplay. I still don’t understand the draw other than it is kooky. No amount of kooky can

I’ve never understood people being jerks about food service. I really don’t get it. In my life I’ve only ever not given a tip, or low tip, only 3-4 times and those were pretty bad service issues. I am paying for food and service, so I do expect it to be good, but that doesn’t give me the right be be an a-hole. Being

I work in AV for a college. Everyone thinks that even we get summers off. No. Summers are times to do all of those things that we couldn’t do during the school year. When I first started I did have time during the summer to goof off, but that changed pretty quickly. Now we look forward to the Fall semester so we can

For me it is an issue of underestimating what I do. I work in Audio/Visual. It is mostly a thankless job field where one is only noticed when things go wrong. I’ve literally worked events where the speaker thanked every group involved in it, including the janitorial staff who wasn’t there, but left us out.