Yet again, another fucking video that doesn’t answer the fucking question in the headline.
Yet again, another fucking video that doesn’t answer the fucking question in the headline.
It should be in this country too.
In China, this is grounds for summary execution. As it should be.
good gig if you can get it. tho her tits are a little all over the place. like a wandering eye but with a tit.
Miss Mercedes is the only person on Jalopnik whom I wouldn’t punch for voting NP.
The great thing about this one is that it was Crack Pipe even if it was legal.
You’re foolish. that’s it. You’re ignorant, but can’t see it, or at the very least refuse to acknowledge your lack of intelligence on the subject and somehow have it in your mind that podunkville Pennsylvania will have scenic bike paths like Cape Cod that are wide, well-funded and would offer the proper grade changes…
At least three other people have pointed out to you, in clear and coherant language, that riding at any decent speed on ‘bike paths’ is simply not feasible in any area that qualifies as ‘urban’. That is because the phrase ‘bike path’ is not accurate in any way, as they’re often termed ‘multi-use’ paths and most cities…
Fuck you, Eastern time zone.
Yet. You haven’t fucked up that badly, yet.
Or anyone with a pulse.
I definitely consider them to be the same car. Interior and drivetrain tweaks do not equal platform changes. FCA just does things a little differently, and saves some pennies. While most automakers do mild mid-cycle refreshes with mainly exterior tweaks in between 5-6 year platform changes, FCA is keeping platforms…
“It’s totally unfair!! I was trying to talk rationally with them but they basically turned.......their.....back.....on.........
The fact that your reply is itself nonsensical grammatically makes me very happy
For now, it’s fun to think of his goal-minded “iron sharpening iron” antagonism of Russell Westbrook turning over fully to competitive hostility.
That little chuckle before “and then I just shot it” is the most hurtful thing that’s ever been uttered by one NBA player about another.
They’re definitely not a Maxima... Like a Porsche 911 is definitely not a Maxima... What does this have to do with a Maxima at all?
Fuck you with your “middle America” bullshit. I’m in middle America and nobody I know voted for him. Is the south middle America? Is PA? Go fuck yourself with your hot take that over simplifies it. Unless that’s all your brain is capable of processing... which, in that case, fuck you anyway.
Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.