
You actually took the time to write and post this.

On a scale of 1 to regret, how do you feel?

It’s been a while since I heard an old-fashioned Asian racial joke. Really takes me back...

you get as much visibility as an Asian man squinting!

So, you think your old GF and wife will hook up?

Before anyone asks: No, I’m not proud of that joke, but it took me a few seconds to line it up correctly so I wasn’t going to NOT post it. Still not proud of it.

I don’t see anyone reaping condescension agility. What are you talking about?

The reading comprehension ability in this comment section makes me die a little inside...

Garnett is the GOAT for fake toughies

And may the new champ bury a copy of the audit atop Girard’s grave.

Yeah, but from everything I’ve read dealers can tell when you last flashed the ECU, so they’ll know somethings up if it was last flashed 10 miles ago.

Beautifully executed nipple Salchow.

This except Cayman!

The precedent is when you try to block a speeding freight train (and later openly admit it) you get run over.

I want a fucking parade for this guy.

“YEAH! who was that, he’s fucking huge!”

When asked why Papagiannis was cut, Divac replied, “I know a flop when I see one!”

How DARE you sir. As the only man to ever RallyX a Milan I take offense. The car still looks great and has been the best vehicle I’ve ever owned. I’ve driven my 07 Milan V6 Base FWD model for just about 6 years and almost 80,000 miles (almost to 125k total miles). The Duratec 3.0 V6 has been strong, put up with my

Man, clean all you want, but you would never quite get the smell of body spray out.

By he nature of the comments against you, your stance is unusual. By the nature of the comments against you, your stance is not mainstream. I called you an asshole because you’re an asshole.