Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?
Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?
Or in 2018!
OT but if I were Don Coryell’s child I’d totally go by Heir Coryell.
how are these two pictures both of the same person??
Twats are nicer than Buttholes, sir
Get fucked
I’m just tired of the “everything the Patriots say or do is offensive in some way” style of breathless reporting that’s cropped up recently.
Or 9 people who have lived where it snows regularly?
There are several hotels within walking distance of the stadium. The Reinaissance Boston at Patriot Place (so, it literally shares a parking lot with the stadium) has rooms available for $144 tonight.
Are you from New England, Emma? News flash: driving in the snow isn’t the hardest thing in the world. If I was getting paid millions of dollars to show up to work in the snow, I think I’d take it slow and make it the alright.
I’d like people to use their brains to drive the cars of the present as well
Oregon eh? I guess they decided to sell their car before it ran out of gas...
You can’t fix stupid...
You sound like someone who is obsessed with money and who equates money with status, and fails to realize societal impacts of economic inequality.
Using a word like “should” denotes that you want it to be a certain way.
I appreciate what you’re getting at here and TBH I’m not reading the bulk of what you’re posting on, just the beginning which is where the initial problem rears up. Corporations DO solely exist to create a profit for shareholders. There is no “should” because morality is so many levels of mandate down.
Nice history lesson.
you sound like an asshole
Mister “I’m-Too-Fancy-For-Shitty-FastFood” over here
If it’s garbage the flak isn’t misplaced. Things that are garbage always and should get flak. That’s why we have flak.