
Won’t catch them off guard any more! But seriously, there was poor defense and communication among the Swedish defenders all game. One defender looks for the offside while one or more other defenders played Nigeria on. Even on Nigeria’s equalizing goal, Sweden’s right back (#23) makes a halfhearted run and Nigeria’s

The guy in the second video has no right to be upset, and certainly no right to verbally accost the woman as he did. She didn’t change lanes in front of him, didn’t attempt to change lanes in front of him, and didn’t even slightly get into his lane. At most, she drifted toward the left edge of her own lane, just as he

This would have been avoided if Walmart wouldn’t hand out Rascals to the able-bodied. Or in this case, the full-bodied.

That kid is going to grow up and be a psycho. Psycho cop, psycho garbageman, psycho fry guy. His father and trashy mother must be so proud.

When something like the Hamilton “trade” happens — with the Angels agreeing to eat most of a huge contract — what effect does that have on the locker room? Do lower-paid players get pissed because the Angels wouldn’t pony up more $ to sign them and now are agreeing to basically throw money away for nothing? Or do they

I’m just glad that South Korea was able to get Emma Stone for the commercial.

Actually, that’s not exactly true (and you certainly can be fired for being “straight”— the whole point of “at will” employment is that you can be fire for any reason or no reason at all). There are a number of federal cases across the country in “at will” employment states where LGBT is not a protected status under

My prior questions in no way related to “anarchy.” What gives you the right to control a piece of land — just because you or your ancestor got there first? Why when you die should your assets go to your heirs instead of going back to the community? That society says the accumulation of property should be protected?

First, trying to have an intelligent conversation without resorting to name-calling appears to be beyond your abilities. Second, check out LGBT rights in Indonesia before holding that country out as an example of a “good” Muslim country (yes, the death penalty is not applies, assuming you survive the lashes and years

The term “civilization” is pretty loaded in that it contains a whole bunch of assumptions. How do you move from anarchy to civilization? What’s the basis for “civilization”? Your so-called “effects” test answers none of those questions (and you ignore virtually every question from my earlier post because the answers

But who cares about effects? Why does it matter than one strong person can beat up a weak person and take her stuff? Survival of the fittest, baby. What gives you the right to control a piece of land — just because you or your ancestor got there first? Why when you die should your assets go to your heirs instead of

That is a very simplistic view of the world. Law, theoretically, provides justice. Justice is defined by what is “right” or true. That in turn is usually (some argue always) based on morality. Morality then is based on religion. So upon what would you base a system of laws?

Whatever arguments you want to make about the literal language of the Bible, the fact is that modern application does not call for death to be imposed in case of sins like the ones mentioned (gay marriage, prostitution, abortion). Islamic law, to the contrary, still calls for those sins to be punishable by death in

Religious law or law based on religion? Law based on justice — so what defines justice? Morality? Law based on morality ultimately is based upon some notion of religion, although the natural rights/law people would claim to the contrary (incorrectly, I believe). There have been books upon books written on these

And all of those things will get you killed under Islamic law.

Neutral: As badly as Alfa screwed up the 4C launch in the US, I can’t see it ever being more than a niche player.

Yeah, that was my point.

I see Norway. I see France. I see Lanier’s underpants. Now that’s edgy!

Texas BBQ is the same — no self-respecting Texan calls meat on a grill BBQ. Now get in the upper midwest, they call “cooking out” BBQ. Philistines.

Now playing

Someone’s been watching too much Delta Force!