
The DOJ likely will put a lot of pressure on the current/former FIFA execs indicted in the US case to roll on Blatter and his cronies regarding the World Cup bids. So you are correct in saying that there are two parallel investigations, but the leverage in one should provide some significant evidence in the other.

The players involved have been identified as: Ho Lee Fuk (keeper), Sum Ting Wong (defender), Wi Not Redee (defender), and coach Bang Ding Ow.

Gotta be one of those driving schools in Vegas, right? Which also means that this car has been driven hard for a lot of those 120k miles. And that would worry the heck out of me.

Yes, 1 Sexual Chocolate donut please.

That’s just not true for most organizations that oversee arbitrations.

Although the selection of the arbitrator(s) depends on the particular forum and agreement, typically the parties either can agree upon a person from the roster of arbitrators used by the organization overseeing the arbitration or the organization supplies a list of, say, 10 people, each party can strike 3, and then

Are you referring to mediation instead of arbitration? Because an arbitration would finally resolve your PI cases, not be a total waste of time.

FINRA arbitrations usually are where people (as opposed to the institutions being sued) get screwed, IMO. In AAA and JAMS arbitrations, the parties can file motions for summary disposition/judgment (which usually are denied because the arbitrators make more money actually holding the evidentiary hearing). And many


The driver apparently didn’t think so as he almost ran over one of them when leaving!

Because Brady complained that the refs overinflated the balls during that game (i.e., the balls were out of spec on the high side). The Pats guys then said they were going to really overinflate the balls for the next game. Thus, this is not even circumstantial evidence of an effort to underinflate the balls (i.e.,

I understand this guy does that type of work.

Should’ve covered your cargo before sticking it an unknown box.

Once was in a relatively small town in Denmark. They had 3 places that were combo Mexican/Italian restaurants.

Texas. $725 an hour isn’t out of line with what “major” law firms charge for partners. In fact, I know $1000/hour lawyers and have heard of some at $1500. Some NY partners bill out of $2000 an hour or more.

My firm charges me out at $725/hour. I have never, ever refused to do an initial consult for free. heck, I have even had multiple meetings with potential clients without charge. To echo Steve, if a lawyer wants money from you before even talking to you about the case, find another lawyer.

According to the dealer, they’re real, not knockoffs.

Coincidentally, I will be traveling to Richmond later today for the weekend. And even more coincidentally, the hotel is 10 minutes from the Lotz. And my first stop tonight is half a mile away from the Lotz. If I own an NSX before the weekend is over, I’m blaming you!

Hey babe, wanna go rallying and see what pops up?

I am a Mavs fan. I read the tweet when it was made and had no problem seeing the emojis. I thought it actually was pretty funny at the time, even though it was directed at my team. There is no way any reasonable-minded person can think this was a rape joke. Indeed, the edginess — as anyone who has ever had to take a