
Right? It’s like “Aw, the Vikings think the Packers are their rivals. That’s so cute!”

Funny you brought this up, we’re actually talking about this very subject over on TAY right now. I think I’ll give it another go.

King: This is delicious, Roger, really good chili.

Listen, last month you overhauled your entire comment system to prevent people from posting stomach-churning images of overweight whores shoveling a bunch of diarrhea into their mouths, and now you're doing it yourselves? Make up your mind!

Keith Olbermann Punches the NFL In the Face, Drags It Out Into The Lobby, Sends It A Copy Of Said Punching Via FedEx, Tells The NFL That It Wasn't Really All That Bad, Leaks The Video to TMZ, Is Ordered Into Its Manhattan Offices, And Then Sits And Watches The Video With It Just Laughing His Ass Off

I'm seriously beginning to maybe consider dropping the NFL as my moral compass and ethical arbiter.

I'm cool with what he said because he wasn't trying to take my guns away.

(George Bush named to Independent Investigation Committee)

To be fair, if anyone knows about players who did worse than Rice did, it's a Ravens fan.

Plus, it doesn't fit with the prosecutors actions when they DROPPED the charge against Janay Rice and ELEVATED the one against Ray Rice. That, alone, should have informed them there was more to this than what they claim to have known.

I'm all for proximity chat. Right now, even though it's trying to sell itself as a shooter MMO and I can see all the players, the world feels lonely.

Yeah, but he's deploying this narrow, accurate point on behalf of a larger, inaccurate point. The NFL as a body of players has a less-bad domestic violence problem than the United States at large. The NFL as an organization that's claimed pseudo-judicial powers—which is what's at issue when calls for Goodell to resign

"I'm sorry, I think this woman is off her rocker. I think she's lost her mind," Smith said. "That's right, I said it."

I picked a Warlock because of those sweet, sweet jackets and a really fun super-attack. But I think i'm going to have to roll a Hunter as well so I can go all Stabby McStabbington. And even as a super hip Warlock I have to admit those cloaks are bitchin'.

Wow, glad I went Titan, they seem to be underrepresented. Going for support all the way, you can thank me when my shields save you from imminent death later. ;)

Hunter for three reasons:

My cunt *is* unbelievable, actually, thanks for noticing.

I say we go with brown. If you're going to peddle bullshit, you might as well be consistent.

"Sorry but there's just no way I can justify spending $300 on a gaming headset."