
i hated Dragon Age 2 when it first came out. angry and betrayed just like you i let my game sit for almost a year, then i went back and played it. the gameplay is shit, parts of the story are ridiculous but it’s kind of a beautiful little turd i have grown to love. i replayed it again not to long ago, it’s definitely

i have played all three games and there are still things in here i didn’t know. Great article, cheers!

headline should read:

Keith Olbermann rails Roger Goodell ass like a train conductor against a pinball machine, Tells Goodell to squeal like a pig, Mails video to TMZ, Admits to his crimes, Serves Jail sentence, Pays fines, Goes to Rehab, Returns NFL to and is re-instated as Eagles starting Quarterback.

Keith Olbermann spreads asshole with hands and just takes a shit down Roger Goodell's neck, forces NFL to watch.

Keith Olbermann takes the NFL to dinner, invites NFL over for drinks, promises to make sweet love to NFL and instead gets in there and JUST TEARS IT UP.

Now playing

To be fair if you go back to the first reveal of gameplay we got, Peter Dinklage's lines are totally different he is way more charming and Tyrion-like ...

for people balking at the price, as someone who balked at the price they are absolutely worth the money. This headset made Jack Reacher seem like Bladerunner.

Who cares how much they are donating? People should care! You are being told the NFL is giving 5% to breast cancer research. 5% OF 100% IS LIKE TAKING A PISS IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN, CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND MATH????

I shared a few dances in the tower as well, never actually got to add people to my fireteam by the time i opened the party app and tried to message them they had left. Also i played PVE for 3 days and have yet to see one public event, in the beta i was getting so many i couldn't keep up. I barely ran into people in

Petty grievance? Personal spite? We are still talking about the systematic cover up by the NFL of Ray Rice beating the shit out of his now-wife right? Giving up sources is the Only way we are going to get the bottom of this twisted nightmare.

if you do the crucible bounties you level up way faster than grinding PVE i found last night.

some of those cloaks are naaasty, i admit i chose titan for the fur jacket.

"DO worry too much about your hair."


True journalism IS reporting the truth, regardless of whether it's painful, awkward, financially damning OR career ending. If you are going to hold the hands of these journalist who are now coming out and pretending like they ALWAYS wanted to champion the truth in this matter, then they better have the balls to take