Said the DA, this will make for a briefcase.
Said the DA, this will make for a briefcase.
They would still be funny Tumi.
The IFF is targeting the Statewide law. SF had already passed its own city wide ban a year or so earlier...making the headline even more ridiculous.
Why on earth is this headlined “In True Cruella De Vil Fashion, San Francisco Doesn’t Want to Give Up Fur”, with the text noting “Except, of course, every state has their own Boston and for California, that’s San Francisco: the tech hub wants its fur back, pretty please.” when the lawsuit is filed by a trade…
Pictured: Fleabag actress sizing up some more Cox.
Lara looks less like a wife Eric’s age and more like a mom standing next to her kid who was a product of junior prom night at a HoJo.
First of all, those are apes.
Have they considered releasing real chimpanzees into the stands? They could put team t-shirts on them and it’d be adorable!
He’s just reached the Keanu Reeves phase of his evolution where he stops aging.
Is anyone else not only not shocked that Diddy is 50, but surprised he’s not older? Dude was on like his 3rd rebranding in the 90s.
Also, I’m just picturing some kind of mom behind the camera like “Get together. Look like you like each other! Smile, boys!!!”
I will take it a step further and say that the only good banana is banana bread.
a banana’s shelf life outside of a refrigerator is short
Still better than any experience I ever had in O’Hare during the winter months.
Bloomberg has already qualified, but neither Booker nor any other non-white candidate still standing has.
OK, Bloomber.
I actually think “first” is arguably the most correct part of his quote because it was modifying “mainstream African American...,” and as prominent as Jesse Jackson was, he wasn’t a mainstream candidate. And obviously, neither was Al Sharpton.
Just because this singular statement that Sinclair forced its broadcasters to record and air “does not sink to the level of propaganda” does not mean that it is not, by and large, a statement to let slide the constant propaganda that Sinclair forces on networks it owns.
It normalizes a stance against other news…