If that pic is any indication, Steve Carell will have a bit part in any future movie about this administration.
If that pic is any indication, Steve Carell will have a bit part in any future movie about this administration.
I only drink fight milk.
If Ohio flips to Kerry, he wins election. Bush won Ohio by roughly 100,000 votes. So if 50k+ Bush voters had switched - Kerry wins that election.
50,000 Bush voters in Ohio switch to Kerry and he would have been the winner.
Careful. You. Yes, you is a noted racist on these boards.
You will never stop posting about Libby Watson.
Loser says You will never stop posting about Libby Watson.
Also, for Lakers rebrand...
Ballmers don’t lie.
But no one can see it now. Sad face.
I miss having our conversation for all to see. Why you dismiss?
You will never stop posting about Libby Watson.
You will never stop posting about Libby Watson.
You will never stop posting about Libby Watson.
You will never stop posting about Libby Watson.
Are you granting me immunity powers.
I can’t do indefinitely. I will expire sometime. Sad.
You sound like a Trump fan. Glad I donated to Biden this morning.
Bernie/Baracka 2020
Hehehe. You are conversing to someone else on a message board about a third person and explaining obsession. That is fucking brilliant. You are my favorite.