This is the most insane comment. Hahahaha. I hope you seek professional help.
This is the most insane comment. Hahahaha. I hope you seek professional help.
Hey. Let’s keep this thread alive too.
How can I stop. What with you so delicately prodding me on.
You just make we want to vote for Biden sooooo badly.
Are you trying to hypnotize me?
Is that an order?
Eight more minutes until her last day here. How excited are you.
Black ball violently knocking down white pins. Bowling is racist. Thanks for pointing that at. Cheers.
I think you have officially posted more to me then I ever have about Libby. That saddens me. I’ll have to redouble my efforts. For you.
Hey BO. Always enjoy when you share with me your special brand of crazy.
I will take that upon consideration. Thank you.
Is that your first scoop. Very disappointing. But you’ll fit right in.
Let’s hope this Hurd mentality is especially contagious.
Sometimes How?
It’s not like netting is new. It has been around baseball almost as long as the actual baseball. It’s just extended.