Hatless Suspect v5.0

John Mulaney describing the Trump’s charade of a presidency as “ This Is A Horse Loose In A Hospital” is one of the best metaphors I’ve heard.

That last picture of Sanders and Bolton...I can’t.

The cookie program has some flaws, and any adult that participates knows it’s a pain in the ass. It sucks that the girls earn so little, BUT most of the girls have a lot of fun doing it and love being able to use cookie credits to go to camp. The troop I mentored for robotics was a lower income area, there was no way

“It’s a really nice story, but it also very gently eludes to the brutal realities of shelter life”

I spent nearly half a year homeless and two of the first things to go are a sense of pride and community. The article above even states that by being in this troop and having this sale that these girls feel less isolated.

The girls asked to do this. How about focusing on giving these girls a chance to be kids. They’re becoming a community, they’re making friendships that may last a lifetime and they’re Doing something they feel proud about. I agree that there are some issues with the way the transfer of money is structured, but this is

I don’t know. They said that this was something that the girls were actively asking to do. And if you read the quote from one of the girls it seems like a lot of the value of the program comes from being able to do “normal” things, like have a cookie sale.

This is so heartwarming. ♥️ I wish I could give each one of them and their families a permanent home. I was in Girl Scouts for 4 years...some of the best memories of my life. I grew up on welfare and my mom was very young. I’m so thankful that she saw the value in Girl Scouts. She ended being my troops co-leader.

I’m so glad that these girls have found a sense of community and belonging in the Girl Scouts.

Honestly I think everyone should just put their guns on a little keychain and attach it to their cellphones. This leaves double-incentive to never forget them!

Shouldn’t the Marlins play ‘God Save the Queen’ instead of the National Anthem before every game?

You’d think with all of the unspoken rules in baseball, surely one would be ‘you should have your corporate headquarters in the municipality that you’ve cheated out of resources for years and years.’

Um, Marlins Man did it, so by definition every Marlins fan could.

God bless Marlins Man and his cohort for doing the thing every Marlins fan wanted to do but couldn’t.

So now I’m rooting for Trey fucking Gowdy? Goddamn it!

Odds that his briefing notes had “DON’T USE THE PHRASE ‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED’” at the top of them?

I know there’re much more relevant questions in this whole shitfuckery, but I can’t avoid noticing...

Nice! This guy should license himself out as the signing party for all kinds of contracts.

Like everyone else in TrumpLand, he comes across as a two-bit Tom Hagen.

Dear GOP,