Hatless Suspect v5.0

Brazzers logo would change everything.

This is me trying to get all the groceries inside in one trip.

If Puig keeps up this pace it shouldn’t be long before we see him in AA.

Buffalo residents will travel anywhere for cleaner water.

Yet, somehow, we’re the only team that made it to Rio.

To celebrate, everyone in the green pool!!!

I read your first sentence, and thought this was going different direction....

You’re an adult, who earns their own money and spends it on something you enjoy, which may actually be beneficial for you?!
I look forward to the Senior Week entry of HamNo just laundry listing people he hates.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

I actually had to watch it twice to find the nip slip. I certainly wouldn’t have noticed it on a live broadcast.

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

You can barely seem them nipples...

Zachary D. Manprin: Cardinal Fan or Schiano Man?

Yeah, but “borderline illegal shit” is also known as “legal shit”.

That’s called “water polo”

You can always tell when swimmers beef. Just look for the bubbles.

maybe he held the needles?