Hätlêss Süsp?ct v2.0

Crisco Cops? Really? Was “Grease Police” too obvious here?

Break me off a piece of the Kit Car bar.

Moreover, as a nonessential employee, Blake Bortles will also not be available for tomorrow’s game.

Trump is sitting in his office wondering why no one has brought him the bankruptcy forms to sign.

I was like, “Please don’t try to pay me.”

Remember the time Hillary Clinton banged John Holmes and paid him $130,000 in hush money?

I hate quoting other people’s jokes but since you included the Colbert gif, he said (paraphrasing):

He would NOT pay a lot. Don is notoriously cheap. He’d comp her a room at one of his hotels or something

Megan, dear. I expect more hot takes on this one. More excerpts! I can’t justofy clicking and reading that shit. What about the Forbes magazine spank?! You’ve let me down, Meg.

Trump didn’t want to get spanked with Eric on the cover, which is why he made sure he wasn’t included.

“Daniels apparently was forced to watch “hours” of Shark Tank with Trump and also was required to spank him with a copy of Forbes, featuring Trump, Donald Jr., and Ivanka on the cover. “

Ass. The front of his pants would have a fly. And there wouldn’t be a white butt pocket hanging out near the rip. And I don’t want to hear, “maybe that’s his underwear.” Rovell goes Commando.

It appears that the photo shows the back of his jacket and he’s wearing a single vent suit (very unstylish, get with the times) so I can say with certainty it’s his ass.

Please rename the post to “Ass, posts photo of Ass. Looks like an Ass.”

Baker’s dozen.

“Oh, it’s nothin’ Bob, just anudder slight heart attack”

I understand why having them march together is in The Olympic spirit of things, but they are two separate countries - they should not be competing as one.