Hätlêss Süsp?ct v2.0

Can’t we just be happy TBS dumped Cal Ripken.

Was Lance Laifer’s excuse really that the Mooch did not see the poll beforehand. Can’t make this up people.

Nor should they. After the fans’ horrendous showing in extra innings of Game 3. First World Series game in franchise history and I doubt more than half the fans there saw the last out.

Would a team like the Ohio State University win the championship. Their whole team is academically ineligible already. And that doesn’t stop them now.

Will there be a bevy if accusers. Or are they mute.

God damn Gibson home run. Never should have happened except Gooden walks John Shelby. John friggin Shelby.

You know the next day, they gave the umpires description of the play - and I was correct. Right?

Do let any of this fool you. It is still awesome being a white male, especially one in Hollywood.

Now playing

Screw that. You are a top shape physical specimen and you can’t run up the slightest of inclines, you don’t deserve your job.

When I hit sum all, it came back with a circular reference...

Denton has to make that list. Right?

I meant ‘was trying to say’.


You ain’t Ryan!

This is not correct. Read up the chain, as the correct interpretation of what I stated last night was explained by umpire and shared in this comment chain.

It does matter if it is a cleanly caught pitch.

This is what the home plate umpire told dusty baker after the play and what I wasn’t trying to say:

At this point, even I think I am making things up. Good night.

I agree it is a strike.

Sorry. I edited my last entry. Mostly just added last paragraph.