
All the charisma enhancing magic in the world will not change the fact the Cruz is a hyper-inflated scrotal sack with a life sized mannequin stuffed inside.

I believe he disqualified himself when he recently said he was a “ratf#cker and not a Trump ratf#cker” (or something similar to that) that kind of proclamation doesn’t bode well with charisma.

Ted Cruz’ problem is that he strikes me as a guy who’s already read the “How to be More Charismatic” book a few hundred times too many.

He does have that psycho killer look about him.

Jimmy Carter looks like a high-school principal or school superintendent, whereas Ted Cruz looks like a car salesman who serves as a trustee on the school board. One is the face for the community and deals with kids and parents on a daily basis, and the other wants to take away free and discounted lunches because “too

At least you have to agree with the “disingenuous fuck boy” part, right?

Nixon, as ugly as he was, looked leagues better than Humphrey.

Jimmy Carter was also (from what I gather) a pretty likable dude. People could stand to be in the same room has him, maybe would be down to chat over a beer. Cruz doesn’t even have that going for him.

I agree, a total chop job on the 2016 Ted Cruz model is the only course of action. Note: that’s if it doesn’t blow up in flames.

Teach Ted Cruz charisma?!?

Let’s be honest; the best we could expect is to use him for parts. Maybe help boost a model with more potential.

Does anybody (besides authors trying to make money) actually believe charisma can be learned?

Ted Cruz is incapable of being charismatic, because charisma is born out of confidence. And he lacks confidence utterly - he is the exact opposite of Trump. Confidence is the foundation on which charisma is built. That inner certainty is real, able to be observed by outsiders, but it doesn’t necessarily provide them

The 2016 Ted Cruz model doesn’t hold against depreciation and already holds $12,000,001.49 in negative equity; it would be a bad investment to rebuild him.

Jimmy Carter looks like a grandfather. Ted Cruz looks like someone who kills grandfathers. There’s a fundamental difference here.

As opposed to those sufferable talking genital warts?

And when we’re done let’s teach a Labrador Retriever how to do a box shuffle, or maybe show a clownfish how to fly an F-35.

There is zero chance ted cruz becomes president. He's too ugly. In the modern election age, America has never elected someone so ghastly looking. OK OK, Ya, Jimmy Carter, but still.

Let’s be honest, we would have to strip him down and rebuild him like the Six Million Dollar Man. He doesn’t have the money and we don’t have the technology. He is as charismatic as he is ever going to get.

Now playing

Let’s teach Ted Cruz some kali ma, instead.