
The story is written as “people are investigating rumors of affairs” to avoid a libel suit in the event that there is insufficient evidence of the affairs - if the Enquirer reports that there are affairs and that turns out not to be true, it COULD be libel. If the Enquirer reports that people are looking into affairs,

I see her wanting to outsource any and all physical contact :(

He hates the Muslim infidels and the homos. That’s all they need.

Yes, virgin/whore. Women are objects to be possessed and utilized; a husband’s unfaithfulness in a marriage is not a sin against the wife because she belongs to her husband.

THIS actually makes sense

...imagine you actually liked the things coming out of his idiot mouth.

I can see her being okay with him finding outside sex partners for the insane kinks he might have. Crazy kinks like ‘sex with a woman who makes her own choices in life’

Not to mention that as we see with the Duggar perv and his predilections on Ashley Madison and with sex workers, all that Virgin-Whore dichotomy bullshit that evangelicals preach is clearly toxic to the sexuality of hetero evangelical men too. Wife sex is for procreating, “whore” sex is for choking and being choked

If this is the story Ben Shapiro was alluding to it blows my mind that one would support Cruz’s policies, but suddenly him having 5 affairs is a bridge too far, support withdrawn!

I’m betting on Heidi recruiting and paying these women.

Corollary: How much money would you require to have sex with Ted Cruz?

Why’s everyone jumping to the conclusion of “voluntarily”?

I refuse to believe that Ted Cruz has found 6 women to voluntarily have sex with him.

imagine even thinking about having sex with ted cruz

Not only does he have a wife, but there are an additional five women in the country who willingly had sex with him? Him?!

I absolutely will not. How dare you.

Imagine having sex with Ted Cruz