Sure she does. Have you seen her pointy elbows? barf city.
Sure she does. Have you seen her pointy elbows? barf city.
You forgot daddy issues. They also have those.
Holy shit. You cannot be serious.
See, I really disagree with the validity of their claims but that’s just an opinion though not a bad one. Since I think, and apparently a lot of people on this board agree, that the show is above board then we’re probably in bounds when it comes to teasing how this group decided to voice their (to me) nonsensical…
I think my answer to that is “yes” because I don’t think it’s a moral failing to find humor in someone being too earnest. Especially if it’s not malicious or undermining. Like, I want good things for our environment but if there’s a character that pokes fun at someone that composts their own farts, I’m going to…
Strawman feminists? Those store owners are doing a pretty good job of playing the part.
Overbearing-feminism IS a joke, though, just like any other overbearing ideology (for lack of a better phrase)
How’d that “you’re not part of the group, so you don’t get to have an opinion” move work out for you?
If you think “Fred Armisen in a wig and a dress” is the joke and not the character itself, you’re willfully obtuse.
White Urban Feminist Women living in a liberal city, there may be like 2 more groups higher than them.
Isn’t that “false equivalency” thing a matter of opinion, though? Like if one person thinks Clinton is just not as bad as Trump, what makes that opinion incorrect? It’s not like you can break out the ol’ T Chart and list pros & con, add ‘em up and determine a winner.
Let me guess, this took place in Rhode Island?
Why would you even try?
I’ve read some shitty sentences before, but that one was super shitty.
“The ones who would be interested in joining in are probably also worried about being perceived as co-opting the movement”
You find her attractive?
Does that make you the no nuance guy?
Holy fuck. That website still gets linked? What’s your first week on the internet been like? Does your mom limit your usage to three hours a week? Remember to be careful in those AOL chatrooms - you never know who you’re actually talking to.
Was there a report that named RW as the one who kaboshed following Kap’s protest?
Why should I listen to anyone who behaves like that?