
You don’t think this would lead to a mercenary type situation?

That photo was never intended to help out those addicts - they’re beyond fucked. Our laws will never give us the power to do what is necessary for them. After that, the only thing we can do is use photos like this to draw attention to the problem in hopes of changing those laws and show potential users exactly how

I disagree. This is the lowest of the low. We shame people for much less all the time. And this shaming isn’t intended to get people to stop, it’s to.. what’s the phrase BLM and others use oh so often? Bring attention to the problem. To start a conversation. To show people how f’d up things are. I think it’s

What if it reaches one person who doesn’t know and prevents them from using?

We need to be sanctimonious. Stop forgiving shitty behavior.

Of course public shaming is ok! We do it all the time! A celebrity says something racist? That’s a shaming. A politician says something homophobic? That’s a shaming. Parents get stoned and drive their kid around? Oh you better believe that’s a shaming.

People like this deserved to be shamed.

“How, precisely, does sharing this single data-point to Facebook, devoid of context, enhance anyone’s understanding of the heroin epidemic?”

Have you considered that he has critically thought about the situation and just came to a different conclusion than you?

Why is that delusional? It’s how they legitimately feel. It’s a ceremony that means a lot of things to a lot of people and that’s one of the many interpretations of it.

There’s a difference between those two statements, but the latter isn’t what has offended some people (not me, to be clear). Some people only associate the flag/anthem ceremony with troops and any protest made during that ceremony offends them - regardless of why. Now I’d argue those people are being too sensitive and

So here’s what I don’t get: if a person feels disrespected by his protest and it’s a legit, honest feeling who are we to tell them they are wrong for being offended?

How are the touch-me-down-there soccer viewing parties anyway?

That doesn’t mean the penalty wasn’t called.

Welp, yes, the military. You don’t get to call bullshit on people’s emotions and feelings or what the flag means to them. Whether you like it or not, there are people who only associate the flag ceremony with the military. They truly believe the military is the reason we’re able to have this sporting event take place

Gotcha. To each their own then.

That’s a pretty bullshitty conclusion to your argument. I can understand why Kap and whoever are doing what they’re doing and still feel it is disrespectful to a group of people.

You don’t get annoyed with people who sit, talk or carry on with their business as usual during the anthem? I do. The cameramen get a pass for an obvious reason, but the others? Those people are assholes if they pull off that shit.

Has there really? I’m not asking in a snarky matter. Obviously the awareness and money was raised but I didn’t know there were major breakthroughs in research. That’s great to hear.

That is absolutely the case.