
Regardless of if your vehicle with fuel injection needs idling time in the morning (MOST cars with FI will advance the idle until the car is warm, giving you ‘full’ power for driving, as opposed to a carb which would have a choke etc etc etc) your shit still needs time to allow all the bits and pieces to reach proper

Just putting in my thoughts.......

Loudoun here, can confirm. As well in the general area, a cherry red Suburban undercover, a cherry red impala undercover (spoiler and all!) running mobile radar, an entire array of every off color charger/crown vic you can imagine. One local PD has the low-profile Explorers that are painted with decals that only show

I used to stick my hands in all sorts of nooks and crannies and sit in weird positions, but one day started thinking about all the awful things that could happen if someone so much as hit the brakes hard.......

I know it’s already been said, but they’re already onto that scheme.

Just spent a season as a skid steer operator plowing snow at a montana ski resort, despite the fact that there was zero storage room for anything at all, a 2ft pipe was always with me, saved me a couple times.

I always used to laugh that my 91' 900 felt smooth and steady all the way till it wouldn’t go any faster. It never felt strained, always a comfy ride.

Can I just say.........

Sitting in my old truck, trying to pull out in a hurry. Foot hard down on the clutch, reverse just clanks. First? Clanking. Second through 4th? Clanking. So much clanking. Try slamming clutch down, try forcing gears in, try every stupid fucking thing imaginable.

It was all gonna work out for them too, but he rolled on his way up to the plane and his car caught fire......

Derp, this is what I get for writing when I’m sleepy.......

Maybe a little late to the show here but here goes

I know ISIS aren’t the most rational people on the planet, maybe, just maybe, somebody there has an idea of what’s going to happen to them if they detonated a “nuke” (as the media will sell it). IE- The relatively easy going time they’re getting compared to what happened in the early 2000's.......

Errr..... is it? You don’t buy insurance after a car accident, you buy it prior, just incase you get into an accident. You don’t call up the gun store when a burglar breaks into your house etc etc

Do they? If they run out of bombs in a small conflict, maybe they aren’t spending sanely.....

1. In a country where most people drive autos, a signal for when you can jump the light isn’t always the best solution.

I thought I was the only one... My old 4runner has balding tires, loose suspension, warbling brakes and a jiggly front end, needless to say stoplights can get hairy. Oddly enough, it still does better than the cavalier I was blessed with the hateful pleasure of driving for awhile.

Watched a guy with a green light on my side of the intersection wait for half a dozen cars to turn left infront of him from the other side.

In a thread of epic comments, this one stands alone in glory, glorious glorified glory.

I’ve been working at a ski resort this winter where they’ve got two jacked up chevy trucks (That’d put any redneck mobile to shame) that they use driving around through deep snow and around the peak in the summer. One had treads for awhile, turns out they didn’t work as well as the truck with chains on tires so they