
Just a pedantic correction, this deal is above seal level, making it alteast seal 1+. 

Sounds like the time the FBI brought Tom Clancy in for his description of the interior of an a nuclear submarine....... “who told you this?” “Just a good guess I suppose” 

And they call the slippery slope argument a “fallacy”

Does anyone else watch this and just get floored by the fact that WE CAN LAND ROCKETS FROM SPACE? I mean jeebus, the first time I watched a booster land I thought it was a kerbal space program mod with awesome graphics, simply could not believe it was real. It illicits the same reaction from a lot of the people I’ve

My brother was leaving work one day, having borrowed his friends red Kia hatch back to get there and back (super helpful guy, always willing to help whenever someone needed a hand.) He purchased some snacks for the ride home, walked out into the lot and climbed into the first red Kia hatch he found in the lot. Put his

Gotcha, I wasn’t referring to the current Boeing disasters, the fact that 1 sensor was all that made the call is scary as hell, really wonder if there is something else intertwined that failed to act the way it should have........ single fail points are scary. An average between a faulty and a good sensor would still

Not trying to be a douche, you seem like you’ve got a good handle on this. But wouldn’t averaging be exactly the issue here? Of course a correction from the humans would’ve fixed it, but the fact that the system averaged in the first place seems absurd, what situation would ever call for that? Saying they weren’t

any news on how this turned out? Really wanted to hear if this went anywhere or if there’s just now a dirt ramp cut through a guard rail where you can go for tax free cigarettes and fireworks.

I’m a bit lost as to where your outrage is directed in this post.......

But by the argument of prohibition causing a price increase making it more lucrative for him to be in an illegal operation........ shouldn’t he have just been selling cocaine?

The law didn’t make him buy a bunch of pot and drive it across a state

Plow driver here, in a place that gets far more snow than Minnesota.

They don’t make em’ like they used to. 

You really came here and took the time out of your day to be this spiteful...........? Rough... 

.................................Errrm, what’s your point? Steel is steel, cold is cold. Why does everyone have to take every comment as a personal insult? Oh, you’re mister Sensitive...... makes perfect sense. 

Very cool, thanks for the explanation and its technical nature. Always baffled by the niche levels of knowledge that people bring to these comment sections, usually far exceeds to information the article itself has to offer (Not to rag the authors, they do a fine job). Also.........fuck yeah trains. Who doesn’t like

Wow........... I asked what the difference was, as in........asking for a specific explanation of the engineering techniques and how the differ. Thanks though, for assuming. 

Aha, I have not road a train in Siberia before, nor visited Russia in any capacity. But thank you for the explanation! Thanks for being one of the few folks on this site that deliver positive explanations instead of jumping to ragging on folks and hating them for even commenting......! 

Yeah....... my weather makes me more awesome then you. That’s my opinion...... really honestly and truly is. But don’t let me tell you, read the numerous other responses to your asshatery mentioning that we have these levels of cold EVERY WINTER, and it was a legitimate question as to why these things aren’t a problem

Actually came here hoping to find some technical explanation of this. Here in Montana everyone’s just like “yeah? And?” 

This is disgusting............ in an article that mentions how rough our political system is, you are openly advocating to the press to censor themselves for political purposes, and use their powers for a plot to get someone elected.

This article reads with a tone like that of the one used to talk about Hillary in 2016ish............