
That’s what I thought.....! I hope whoever bought him is giving him the respect a veteran deserves!

“Most people” is not all people, so whats the problem? Also wearing a watch is not a competition of telling the time fastest.... what kind of supposition is that? It’s merely a more efficient tool for doing so. A ratchet/socket combo set is a far more versatile tool than a pneumatic impact driver but that doesn’t mean

You may not run out in a day, but I don’t have to plug in my watch.....

Ah, so you live a life constantly plugged into a wall, never vanishing from the likes of a socket for more than 24 hours at a time, enslaved by cables and battery life...... Enjoy?

I think it’s Plato you’re thinking of. Also, his “Republic” was run by “Philosopher Kings” of a sort. But think about it, you said those who get caught are moved to the merchant class, and those who don’t move up. Isn’t that how it works now?

For god sake just make sure you change the gasket!

He said as his battery died......

I was just thinking about this as I read the article.....

I like the idea alot actually but it’s more than likely an engineering nightmare.

+1 pure gold,

Not really a good excuse but I had a stomach surgery awhile back that prevents me from having any tension on my stomach, like an elastic waistband hurts like a sonofabitch.....

So you can imagine the discomfort on a long drive when you’ve got this thing pulling at you constantly, digging into your soft spots and

This seems like a lawsuit worthy case.....

Maybe someone can explain this to me, because I’ve switched it so many times in my brain it doesn’t even make sense to me anymore.

This thread is pure gold.

Holy shit I thought I was the only one who had this problem with female relatives. It’s like they’ll die if their vocal cords stop vibrating for one second.

On another fun note, have you ever tried to actually read aloud every single road sign (actual govt sanctioned road signs, not billboards and ads)? It’s literally

Your last point was the subject of an entire post I just wrote. That is my NUMBER ONE pet peeve about passengers. If you don’t trust me to drive the vehicle, why are you in it? If I’m some sort of maniac with zero regard for the sanctity of life, what on gods green earth could have convinced you to get in the car with

I spat coffee all over my computer after reading this........

The people who yell at you for doing things like; Passing, pulling out in traffic, changing lanes etc. If I even remotely thought my actions would injure my passengers or other motorists, I wouldn’t be taking them. My passengers gave their consent by entering the vehicle with me behind the wheel and at that instant

I would say the biggest issue with this (Right, Left) is when people use the word “right” as an affirmative.

This post did not get the love it so deserved