10 cc's of Nitrous - STAT!

Especially given Canada’s reputation in the industry for playing things safe
The very second one Autonomous car touches something it’s not supposed to there would be a legal upheaval like nothing you’ve ever seen and autonomous car manufacturers in general would have to fight an uphill battle for their wares

Neutral: Where Should You Test A Self-Driving Car?

Anywhere you would see fit to test a regular car. If you want some real specifics GM does durability ride trips to Death Valley in the Summer and extensive winter condition testing in and around Kinross, MI. Sounds like a pretty ideal proving grounds to me if you take

1st Gear:

I went to High School with a wannabe cop tool. He pushed a couple cars with his bull bar and bragged about it to anyone who would listen. He eventually totaled his cop car by discovering that trees don’t move like cars do when you try to push them, special equipment be damned.

You can buy a fresher one for less from the cops.

Apex seals aren’t so bad! I’ve only lost compression entirely once.

Quite the opposite. I think he should have been blacklisted after admitting to exposing himself to others at work.

Oh I’m an EFI guy all the way and til the day I die, but I think if I didn’t at least occasionally work with carburetors the ghost of my grandfather would come back to passive-aggressively haunt my dreams saying things like “they aren’t even variable venturi, it’s not that hard to rebuild a Q-jet” and “You know what

looks like it already has a skid snail.

1JZ spins faster/takes more boost though...

The CARB has issues.
not the ENGINE.
the CARB.
If you can’t rebuild a carburetor then I don’t know what you’re doing here.

But in the end you still had a BRZ. As a dedicated Mazdaboo I can’t stand for that.


When you read that headline up there about a bunch of snails destroying an old Trabant, I’m sure most of you were thinking “In drag race, right?”

Well I live in the middle of nowhere so I don’t think that space will be a problem. At least not soon. I hope not soon. Planting your feet financially in your twenties is uncertain stuff as I’m sure you know.

somewhere between brown VW bus and brown 2014 TDI.

I think this is where the culture splits between people who enjoy driving and people enjoy modding. I would never buy a new car because I know I’d just void the warranty almost immediately with parts that will inevitably throw me for a loop out of left field. Why would I do that to a new Miata or FRS when an older

Not only buying a new car, but buying a new mini. This goes against EVERYTHING I believe in.

Jason this is Jalopnik.
Nobody here has bought nor wants to buy a new car.
And essentially what you’re telling us is that our used cars are now more likely to appreciate at a faster rate.
You have accidentally made me happy with my sketchy at best investment strategy.

Q: What’s wrong with Harry Potter?
A: The cancerous fanbase.

Any other questions?